Ok, both Ashley and Rusty gave me 10- I guess that makes 20 ... so - TopicsExpress


Ok, both Ashley and Rusty gave me 10- I guess that makes 20 ... so here goes. 1.) I was born in the year of the Wood Tiger. I dont put much stock in astrology, but I think the Chinese Zodiac has me pegged. ;) 2.) I have been teaching myself to play the guitar for about 10+ years ... and am still at the same skill level as when I started. Probably a good thing Im not a teacher. ;) If I could play like anyone, Id like to play like Michael Gurley. Ps. if anyone can name the band without using google, I will be very impressed. ;) 3.) I am incredibly obsessive about things I probably shouldnt be, and incredibly not about things I probably should. 4.) I only do comedies and straight plays, but the first show I ever auditioned for was a musical ... because I used to be a singer. 5.) The first role I ever landed was Mr. De Pinna in You Cant Take It With You. I auditioned to impress a girl in high school. I made it, she didnt, and the rest is history. ;) 6.) I have seen the Cirque shows Mystere and O in Las Vegas- both from the tech booth- and it was AWESOME! :D 7.) My favorite celeb chef is Gordon Ramsay, and it would be a dream role of mine to portray him someday. 8.) I have a crush on Corrine Bailey Rae, Jessica Simpson (from her Irresistible days), Sandra Bullock ... and a secret crush on a certain actress that I have worked with in the past, that shall remain unnamed. ;) 9.) Due to things that have happened in my past, I have tremendous trust issues- so I rarely let people in. Those that earn my trust though, I would do ANYTHING for. 10.) I am a cat person, but I love big dogs. Little dogs drive me nuts. 11.) The worst date I ever went on concluded by her jumping out of the car, literally running to her door and slamming it shut before I could even get my seat belt off. And I thought that stuff only happened on TV ... 12.) I worked as a master control operator for about 8 years, in two different stations, and as a result cannot stand to watch TV- unless there is something specific I want to see. So I read. A LOT. :) 13.) I am an avid gamer. I play everything, from board games to video games. I collect chess sets. :) 14.) I have an active fear of being vulnerable, and I am desperately trying to change that about myself. Because of this, I am incredibly shy around women that I like that are available. I didnt have my first kiss until I was 20. Funny story actually ... 15.) Going to Japan is on my bucket list. I really want to see Tokyo before I go. :) 16.) I am proficient with butterfly knives. (Goes along great with my bo-staff skills) 17.) I have no problem performing in front of thousands, but put me in a small group and turn the spotlight on and I am a mess of social anxiety. So I tend to not participate in social activities or avoid them altogether. Auditions are terrifying for me, unless I am extremely comfortable with the material and the location. 18.) The green room at the Hale Centre Theatre in West Valley is named after one of my uncles, who passed away. 19.) I am kind of a nerd when it comes to writing systems. I used to make my own, and I have journals full of stuff I cant read because it needs to be translated. :P 20.) I have been battling with depression for the last 20 years of my life. Earlier this year I almost lost the battle- and if it wasnt for a very special person (who has since become a very dear and invaluable friend), who came into my life at the right time and taught me a better way to live and look at things, I would not be here today. I am the epitome of the sad clown. :)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:02:38 +0000

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