Ok, lets tackle these points. 1) Yes, Eric Garner was resisting - TopicsExpress


Ok, lets tackle these points. 1) Yes, Eric Garner was resisting arrest. However, he did so without violence and upon being put in the chokehold that proved fatal, he did not fight back nor resort to violence even though his life was endangered. 2) It seems more like Eric moved his hands away from the officer and didnt swat the officers hands away from him. While this was happening, the other officer (Daniel Pantaleo) was already beginning to put the chokehold on him. Even if Eric did swat the other officers hands away, which is unclear, such an act doesnt merit a lethal and illegal chokehold. 3) Irrelevant to this case. 4) Irrelevant to his murder and doesnt exonerate use of force, especially since the crimes are all nonviolent crimes. 5) Eric Garners poor health wasnt the main cause of his death. The illegal chokehold was. 6) It doesnt matter if he died at the scene of the arrest or an hour later, the point is a cop murdered him. 7) So just because officers reportedly still use illegal chokeholds means that we should feel better about Erics death? If anything, the widespread use of illegal tactics is all the more reason for concern. 8) Wheres the punchline? All the testimony I need is in this video and the autopsy report concluding that his death was a homicide, health issues aside. 9) Were all supposed to feel more comfortable because 9 of the Grand Jurors were not white? Seriously? I also dont think its coincidence that in NY state there could be 16-23 Grand Jurors and in this case there was the maximum of 23, but the force of this point entails speculation, so Ill leave this one alone. 10) The takedown didnt kill him, the illegal chokehold did. Substantial risk is certainly elevated with Daniel Pantaleo refuses to ease up his hold, even after one of his fellow officers is heard in the video saying alright man hes down hes down. If that wasnt enough, what about the nine times Eric struggles to get out the words I cant breathe, which was met with Daniel Pantaleo pressing Erics face onto the floor with his hand and body while 4 other offices surround Eric while hes suffocating. 11) How is this relevant at all to Eric Garners case and murder? Oh yeah, it isnt. Nice try, Jim Meyers and newsmax. Any other BS justifications for the police brutality that led to the murder of a non-hostile, nonviolent, unarmed man? Please, do go ahead. I will be awaiting along with millions of others to call you out and challenge you point-by-point
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:59:22 +0000

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