Okay, Terri Gorton Fullerton and Cedar Rowe - Here are the 15 - TopicsExpress


Okay, Terri Gorton Fullerton and Cedar Rowe - Here are the 15 books that most effected my life. Couldnt narrow it down to 10. I had to delete so many of my favorite novels, but if you want the books that most changed my life and the way I see the world, here they are. 1. Harry Potter: Rowling 2. The Collected Writings of C.S. Lewis - cheating; dont care. He would have been most of the list. 3. The Poisonwood Bible: Kingslover 4. The Two Princesses of Bamarre: Levine 5. Grace (Eventually): Lamott 6. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane: DiCamillo 7. Farenheit 451: Bradbury 8. To Kill a Mockingbird: Lee 9. Six Months in Sudan: Maskalyk 10. Cry, the Beloved Country: Patton 11. Blue Like Jazz: Miller 12. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: Fadimah 13: The Lord of the Rings: Tolkien 14: The UBS Greek New Testament (as a stand in for many books and many hours of study) 15. The DaVinci Code: Brown - not because the book is any good, but because reading it in 8th grade was the first time I recognized and appreciated that my parents let me choose what to read and let me engage with ideas that might be controversial or antithetical to their beliefs. Im not tagging people. Join in if you like this sort of thing.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 04:14:43 +0000

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