Okay its Wednesday and as Nick and I began todays run Nick - TopicsExpress


Okay its Wednesday and as Nick and I began todays run Nick reminded me that I hadnt posted last weeks run, well last week became a bit hectic. I went skiing with the grandkids on Friday after they got out of there mid-term, I intended to compose the past Wed. run when I got a call from my daughter, it seems that after I left, the boys kept going waiting for there brother and Mom to show up. So I get this call to meet her at the er at UMass, oh boy what know, well Cam had a bit of a spill, some of you probably know Cam from the WSU 5ks and several other races, well he took a header off a jump when his board dipped. To make a long story shorter he lost his sort term memory and has some frontal loop injuries so please keep him in you prayers. But being true to form his youngest brother Eoin videoed the whole thing. Well Wednesdays run was what Nick called the school run. Yup we ran through every school we could logically connect on the west side, we went down Burwick and around hill and dale through Flag st school and into the woods behind it. I could see kids out playing in the school yard at Yashiza Academy and the school guard saw us, her reaction was predictable, I mean here comes these two guys dressed in yellow jackets black pants and black hats running toward them. I mean if this women had a gun we would have been toast, but we just smiled said hi and kept on running. Through Notre Dame Academy to some weird looks from the young ladies there and off up Salisbury to Assumption College, great place to run through wrong season no coeds out sun bathing, oh well keep in mind for summer, down side no coeds in summer oh well. Off into the woods. I thing this is nice, but wait a minute we just came out on Chester St over by SPM, how the hell did we get here. Nick explains the geography of Worcester and were off again, suddenly it downs on Marblehead here, weve been going down hill most of the run, damn next 4 or more mile all uphill, how did this happen. Im going to let you in on a little known fact, Nick is part mountain goat, I mean this guys LOVES hill, well this guy HATES hill. Well there are hills to get back and there are HILLS, oh yeah hills. I swear we went out of our way to find hills, part way up on nearly perpendicular run Nick says over his shoulder lets do 10 today, half dillerous I mumble sure, not realizing what I just said yes to. Near death we finally arrive back on Pleasant and home.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:21:17 +0000

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