Okay, so its not very often I have a rant. Especially when it - TopicsExpress


Okay, so its not very often I have a rant. Especially when it comes to politics. Mostly because I dont give a shit, given that nothing I do or say will change what these self absorbed ass clowns decide is good or bad policy. ( Most of it is lies anyway ). Personally Id rather go surfing! However, in the last few months the Liberal party (who for the first time ever I didnt vote for. For my own reasons) have decided to allow foreign workers to take our jobs at sea. Jobs which I might add the majority of us have studied and worked extremely hard for. Myself for the better part of 20 years. The large wage attached to said job pays enough tax in a year to support some government pencil pushers full income for a year, and some! If these jobs go overseas these employees will not have the conditions we currently have nor will they get paid anywhere near what we do now. But most importantly the money I spend and pay in tax will also go overseas! Leaving our coffers drier than before. Our pensioners struggling as inflation rises and money dries up further. But possibly of greater concern as outlined by Phil Olsen in an article in the latest on watch magazine and is a very valid point. To join a vessel I am required to carry an MSIC card which upon issue requires a federal police and security check. Helloooo, Im from Australia and I was in the military! Given the current state of affairs with the Terrorist propaganda that is all over the media reels at the moment. Some foreign workers on Australian vessels in Australia, or on foreign vessels in Australia under 457 visa arrangements may or may not have security checking to that standard of an MSIC. Nor any checking at all for that matter, considering where these workers joined from, or were transported from via aircraft. ie helicopters. I feel like a God damned prisoner on the ship at times as some ports wont even allow us to set foot on land at their establishment, in our own country! Yet foreign workers already taking local jobs to save a dollar with no security check can work here and if intended could quite easily conduct a terrorist act from within. Not saying this will happen but it is definitely a possibility worth considering. Anyway........Im going home.....then Im going surfing :)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:12:36 +0000

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