Okay, so the Big O Liar just trotted out all of his Yes Men - TopicsExpress


Okay, so the Big O Liar just trotted out all of his Yes Men experts to reassure us all that the EBOLA threat is minimal, contained, and unchecked immigration can continue... business as usual. Got it? ;-) Meanwhile, the guy from Liberia who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who said that we (Those stupid Americans) could CURE #EBOLA and... Why not come home to America?! :-\ Well HE is probably going to go down in history as our very own Typhoid Mary. His name is Thomas Eric Duncan, so I guess we could call him Ebola Eric. His Buddies find out hes got an incurable disease and disappear, he checks into a local Dallas hospital... KNOWING he has EBOLA, but neglects to inform them, and so is treated for Flu-like symptoms and sent home! Two days later... Today, he runs screaming in pain from his familys apartment complex and proceeds to hurl all over the sidewalks. Oh but, not to worry... Only through direct contact with the carrier does one risk infection (Or so we are told). ;-) We are also told that the CDC has dispatched containment crews to the scene, and have everything under control., you may return to your sitcoms, video games, and ignore all this. Here is the Clean-up Crew assigned to contain this potential threat to the public safety! Where are their Hazmat suits? Why are they flushing the vomit off into the sewers using a power-washer?! Do they not realize where Dallas gets its drinking water from??? :-O Thats right... there are huge aqua firs beneath the city which catch the run-offs from rain, and or PRESSURE-WASHERS putting EBOLA infected vomited into the system! Now, while it is true that Dallas has one of the best water filtration systems in the Country; just whose bright idea was it to gamble with the lives of so many, in trusting that the system could filter out such a threat? Would Mr. Obama volunteer to take his drinking water supply from Dallas for the next few months? o.O
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 22:43:24 +0000

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