Omg. I have to rant ;~; I am so concerned for Earth and I wish - TopicsExpress


Omg. I have to rant ;~; I am so concerned for Earth and I wish other people could care too. How did everyone like the movie 2012? Pretty sweet? Nice visual effects? Did ya luuuvv iiiittt? Well, let me ask you. Would you love to live that situation irl? I was actually kinda scared the world might end then tbh ,3, I didnt imagine the world to end in any way like that movie -.- but I thought it plausible that 2012 was a good estimate of when the world might take serious damage from climate change - eg: water levels rising. Since the pass of doomsday, I never gave it much thought after tbh. Climate change is inevitable and we witness it often with how the weather acts. But now isnt the time to just ignore it, more and more info is coming out about Antarctica and the ices rapid melting. So, Im aware now. I wish other people would be aware too. There are many bad things in life that people choose to ignore. Starving children in Africa for instance.. some people may see it as not their problem, well others look away because they dont want to feel the shame.. or we feel like we wish we could do something but dont make an effort or truly arent actually capable of helping.. Those things you ignore though, you may be right, that thats not your problem. It is a problem on the whole level of human dignity but truthfully it doesnt affect you in your daily lives, does it? Now think about global warming and the steps you could take to help the environment. Even something as simple as recycling and not littering, that is something people take for granted and people throw their trash wherever - I hate that with a passion - its something that you could be doing differently but you choose not to. People who do that are choosing to ignore the results of their actions. AND THIS IS THE PROBLEM. You cant just keep ignoring this! This is something relevant and that effects us all. Id highly recommend reading this article: motherjones/environment/2014/05/inquiring-minds-richard-alley-antarctica-greenland-sandy It has some good points to it. Eye-opening points. You need to really pause, and take a deep breath, to take in what that means: A little over three meters of sea level rise is already on its way into the ocean, with nothing to stop it. “But the collapse of West Antarctica basically means that in the future, all of these coastal regions—and all of the coastal regions everywhere else in the world—will be subjected to ocean conditions similar to a permanent Superstorm Sandy.” (>>> ) “And it gets even worse: West Antarctica isnt the only worry. To hear Alley tell it, its just that West Antarctica is pretty much lost to us already. Next up is a place that we might still be able to save, but that were currently playing an insane game of roulette with: Greenland. It contains much more water than West Antarctica: about 23 feet of global sea level rise. Thats equivalent, on a worldwide scale, to the storm surge caused by Supertyphoon Haiyan when it struck the Philippines last year.” (>>> wunderground/blog/JeffMasters/super-typhoon-haiyan-storm-surge-survey-finds-high-water-marks-46-feet That is scary shit and I don’t want to live in a world like that ;x;!!) “the true upshot of the West Antarctica news is this: It makes saving Greenland absolutely essential. Ten feet of sea level rise will be incredibly painful to adapt to already, but 33 feet from the combined loss of West Antarctica and Greenland? Its simply inconceivable. There is no such thing as adapting to that.” THINK ABOUT THAT. I never even thought of Greenland. I remember hearing before that it was melting but I forgot about it. Now I’m aware again >.< And everyone needs to be aware!! THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN JUST IGNORE AND HOPE IT PASSES. IT IS SOMETHING THAT ONLY GETS WORSE IN TIME! So people should make an effort to do something about it!!! “Essentially, then, we need an all out global push to stop global warming and save Greenland—and thus, the places where we all live.” “Or, we could continue to fiddle and do nothing. If that happens, then Greenland is still just the beginning. Next up: the rest of Antarctica, of which West Antarctica comprises only a small part. Melt the whole continent, the largest mass of ice on Earth by far, and someday, it would reward you with as much as 200 feet of sea level rise. That would take a very long time to happen, and there is still plenty of time to stop it…but, we know already that it is possible, given high enough temperatures.” “Thats why, as a human civilization on Earth, pretty much the dumbest thing you could possibly do is melt your planets ice sheets. And thats why, if the news about West Antarctica isnt enough to snap us into action on climate change, then we will only be able to thank ourselves for the disaster that is coming.” Have a heart…. “YOLO” – might I remind you of YODO – you only /die/ once. (Ignore the people that “die” and get revived with the defibrillators =A=) Instead of living your life to the fullest in the span of a few hours where you do some crazy shit that for sure is gonna have you killed by the morning .. wouldn’t you rather live your life to the fullest for a lifetime? Isn’t that so much better? You can’t just ignore the future!! Like the article says: “we will only be able to thank ourselves for the disaster that is coming.””
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:48:52 +0000

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