On April 15th, sawyer was admitted to the ER and life as we knew - TopicsExpress


On April 15th, sawyer was admitted to the ER and life as we knew it changed forever. Things that had been considered important and priorities fizzled into nothingness. We were entered into a whole new world that we knew nothing about. We learned doctor lingo that had once been foreign, learned how to live in a glass box with zero privacy, and met a slew of amazing people. There have been many highs, lows, and delays ultimately leading us to tomorrow: Transplant day! Tomorrow is the long awaited day. Tomorrow, Clints bone marrow will be given to Sawyer. Clints procedure is at 6:15 in the morning. They will put him under and remove his bone marrow from multiple spots on his hips. The bone marrow will then be filtered to remove bone fragments. Since the boys have the same blood type they dont have to do anything else to the bone marrow. The bone marrow will then be transferred up to Sawyers room where he will receive it over about 4 hours. Then we wait. It will be 3-4 weeks for them to engraft. The next few weeks will be the hardest on Sawyer. I have rewrote this post multiple times trying to best capture my feelings. I simply cannot find the words to explain how I am feeling. I am filled with dread and excitement. Over the past week Sawyer had two really rough days. He is now on a constant morphine drip and is getting his nutrition through his IV (TPN). They decided to stop his feeds and give his gut a break. Overall Sawyer is doing great and is right where they expect. Clint doing Sawyers vitals...
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:54:52 +0000

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