On Memorial Day, 2008 (the then Senator Obama) told a group of - TopicsExpress


On Memorial Day, 2008 (the then Senator Obama) told a group of veterans in Las Cruces, New Mexico his uncle fought during WW II and was part of the American Army that liberated the Nazi death camp in Auschwitz Poland: “I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps, and the story in our family was is that when he came home, he just went up into the attic and he didn’t leave the house for six months, right. Now obviously something had really affected him deeply but at that time there just weren’t the kinds of facilities to help somebody work through that kind of pain. That’s why you know the, this idea of making sure that every single veteran when they are discharged are screened for post traumatic stress disorder and given the mental health services that they need, that’s why its so important.” Barack Obama May 2008. Obama isn’t even smart enough to know modern history and that it was the Russian Red Army and not the US Army that liberated Auschwitz. So was this statement an Obama gaffe or an Obama lie? The reality is Obama just says whatever he wants, whenever he wants, whatever is convenient. He has absolutely no compulsion to tell the truth. Here is a short list of Obama lies: He won’t take PAC money, he will close Gitmo his first year in office, there will be no lobbyists in his White House, he’ll cut the US federal deficit in half, his father was a goat herder, his father was a freedom fighter, his mother died of ovarian cancer because she was denied health insurance, Obama claimed in a speech in an Alabama church that he was born because his parents got together during the Selma Civil Rights marches. (Ooops! The first “Selma to Montgomery civil rights march” was on March 7 in 1965. Obama was born on August 4, 1961) Obama’s fabrications are delusional. Is Barack so out of touch with reality that he does not realize someone in America is going to check to verify the authenticity of his fantastic stories? Obama’s vehicle of choice, a PITCH BLACK campaign bus (made in Canada) without a single American flag on it anywhere. Would FDR, Harry Truman or JFK tour across America on this bus? What is Obama running to be “Emperor of the Dark Side”? Does Obama thinks that he is Darth Vader?
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 23:42:38 +0000

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