On this Independence day, Ive been pondering deeply on Americas - TopicsExpress


On this Independence day, Ive been pondering deeply on Americas founding and history of conflicts. Particularly, the many sacrifices of those who came before me and their efforts to make it a better world than when they entered. Along with independence, comes to mind compassion and responsibility. Not only compassion to those abroad, but also the compassion to keep those within your own border safe from unnecessary harm and avoidable burden on their, health, safety, benefits, finances, and property. In my view, thats a responsibility of all us, especially those in authority. So, depending on the circumstances, Im more than willing to put others above myself and assist someone in need, whether it be financially, physically, or aiding during a difficult time. However, I dont see the compassion of allowing people to randomly breach a sovereign nation and expect immediate, legal aid, housing, and benefits. The welfare of children obviously has to be taken into immediate consideration. However, speaking for myself, I do believe a nation has a responsibility to aid children that are destitute. Although, instead of making it an attractive notion for people from other countries to sneak in, why dont we address the issue from the source? The nations that illegal aliens are escaping from have oppressive regimes with leaders who enrich themselves off the labor and sacrifices of the people theyre obligated and elected (in some cases) to protect and serve. So, why is America spoon feeding billions of dollars in aid to these Fascist countries? Cut them off. Including trade. Though, it may hurt in some regards, the benefits to both sides outweigh the short term pain, in my view. The idea of financial loss and limited to zero trade options, may be just the catalyst to force these nations to finally take action on how they treat their citizens and allow people the opportunity and the freedom to prosper and grow. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, only if you dont attend to your own yard. When people are allowed opportunity, they seize it. Whose going to hangout in a room with a bunch of uncomfortable chairs that wear out your ass, when the neighbor down the street has a game room full of plush furniture and complimentary bar snacks? So of course, people are going to try to sneak into the nicer accommodation (i.e. America). I would too. WORD! However, this lawlessness doesnt have to be condoned or a financially supported rule of thumb. Wheres all this break neck speed compassion in regards to Americas war veterans and those who are still active and injured? What about their sacrifices and that of their families? So much compassion to bring freedom to others, when those who keep the land free are neglected. We can do better than this, surely.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 22:46:26 +0000

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