Once again I am so touched and overwhelmed by all of the people - TopicsExpress


Once again I am so touched and overwhelmed by all of the people that God has put in my life, thank you just seems to little to say. The day of my ungraceful fall, I had an appointment at the Pain Clinic. Actually, that was why I why I needed to put socks on in the first place. Fortunately I escaped with only a bruise on my elbow and stif and sore from landing on a tile floor. I find it amazing, when your body is up in the air, that it really does seem to go in slow motion. As I was prone in the air, I had enough time to think, hmmm, this is going to hurt. BTW, I dont recommend that situation. Dianna Wallace Soisson, while laying on the tile, I thought about you and all that you had gone through this year. I was so happy to hear the progression from your fall and everything else that you had gone through. I do have one of those devices that helps you put put your socks on. I have a grabber to pick up most things that I have dropped. I have a walker next to my bed to steady me as I get get out of bed, a cane to steady me as I walk around the house. Actually I have many aids to help me function better. BUT, and I emphasize the BUT, you have to use those aides for them to help. :-( Fortunately my husband was home and heard my yell. We had an appointment with a new Neurologist a couple of days before my Swan Dive and he said that my range of motion was only at about 20%. He wanted me to improve that, thus the sock debacle. The new Neurologist and the Pain Doc have both started me on some new Meds. So far no improvement, but it is probably to early to tell. Besides the fact that I have some new owies to contend with. Please do continue the prayers.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 19:09:17 +0000

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