Once again I just want to take the time to let our board members - TopicsExpress


Once again I just want to take the time to let our board members know how much they are appreciated, and I applaud the bold measures you are taking in order to fight for the school. I know a lot of people are going to be upset along the way but I truly feel your intentions are for the best. Dont be discouraged at all the negativity being brought down on you guys. Not everyone feels that way and there are those of us who stand beside you on this issue. I think many of the people are afraid of putting in the hard work necessary to make the difference that needs to be done. Thru God all things are possible and as long as we keep HIM with us in this process we can overcome. Hopefully in time more and more people start to come around and see the positive influence you all are setting, and will start to get behind you guys and help out, and not just stand in the way. I hope that they start to understand your reasoning behind your decisions and that they see just how well it could end up paying off down the road. I believe everything happens for a reason and that GOD has put you guys on this board to do what needs to be done and done thru HIM. Please, please, please, to everyone out here in the community- give our board members a chance, trust in them that they are weighing every possible option and trying their best and working very hard to try and make the right decisions. Lets rally behind them and move mountaints and not get in their way and slow them down by beating them down with negativity. Lets all come together and work as one and maybe, just maybe, we can do the impossible and save our school and community. Once again, thank you to our board members for your hard work, dedication, and integrity . I really do appreciate you guys. GOD bless!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:38:23 +0000

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