Once in a lifetime and maybe not even that for some people, - TopicsExpress


Once in a lifetime and maybe not even that for some people, someone will come into your life. They are someone who no matter who you are what you do they just simply love you for you. You could even do them wrong and they still are just there for you no matter what. I mean I have my limits man. Granted my limits extend far but I do have my limits. Anyway this type of person is a special person. They may not even want to be with you in a romantic relationship or you may not want to be with them, but they still love you none the less. I have that special person Ive had them most of my life to be honest. I thank God for them everyday, because if I didnt have them. I would be a basket case by now. I firmly believe that. Ive told them this before in the past but its almost like God put them into my life from the start knowing what trials and tribulations were ahead of me and he knew somehow they would be able to help me. Tonight I was thinking about all this and then I was praying to God to give me some kind of peace of mind something to just help me become me again. I want it so bad. Out of nowhere this person texted me unexpectedly. You cant tell me there isnt a God yo. You cant tell me that!!!! I dont deserve his love but man Im glad I have it. Goodnight and God Bless.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 08:08:20 +0000

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