One has to show the highs and lows, the good, the bad and the ugly - TopicsExpress


One has to show the highs and lows, the good, the bad and the ugly . . . The Terror of Toilets I am quite sure that most people who have visited the great land of China are familiar with the fact that the standard of toilet one encounters here can vary dramatically. It is with this in mind that I post my first offering; a public toilet in a small town in Fujian (near Laizhou). This particular beauty should be included in my, ‘worst of’, section for obvious reasons. The toilet consisted of a hole carved out of the floor. There was the floor and then there was a large rectangular section missing that went down into the trough/ open sewer. My favourite feature (or lack of) is the door – as you can see there isn’t one. When I walked in there was a full-grown man squatting in mid-flow. He looked straight at me as I tried to keep a steady head. I actually walked out immediately and then ran back in to take a few pics for posterity once he had left. For an Englishman it’s one step beyond the bounds of decency. Anyway this is not an uncommon thing to encounter in the countryside I have been informed, and you can find similar ones in big cities too. I personally can’t do the squatting thing regardless of necessity. There’s always somewhere better and with the number of hotels here as well as malls and restaurants etc, only the locals brave these places. The actual squat style Chinese toilet is however, very popular with the natives when out-and-about and they actually believe it is more hygienic as you don’t need to sit where someone else has been before you . . . so they believe. . .
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:23:56 +0000

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