One of the religious boxes I had for years, was because of the - TopicsExpress


One of the religious boxes I had for years, was because of the mistranslation of scripture which was interpreted to me and many others by man and is strongly used within todays churches to control people within a hierarchy system of control and power “over” another! When the Holy Spirit reveals Himself, in Who HE IS within and in us, He also proves Himself for He is new every morning, “Great is His Faithfulness”! I will share with you a couple of vs. which Jesus revealed Himself and proved Himself! Let me also say as the Holy Spirit takes you in revealing Himself, don’t lean on what I am sharing! “Ask Him”, and as He reveals Himself in you, He may take you to do your own word study of Heb 13:17, and Heb 13:7. May I suggest, “as He takes you”, do a search specifically on the words “obey”, “rule”, “submit” and “authority” using a good Greek concordance, lexicon, etc. If you study with a mind that is open to His Truth, and Truth is only found in Jesus, then you will undoubtedly be in for an eye opening revelation. I encourage you to look them up for yourself, and it is my prayer Jesus will reveal Himself, our Teacher, our ALL in ALL, our Head, knowing as HE puts it in the heart to share, we share, but the Holy Spirit reveals, making it LIFE within and in us! The OT was a shadow of things to come in the New Covenant, Christ our Head, our Shepherd, our Truth our very LIFE! Hebrews 13:17: OBEY them that have the RULE OVER you, and SUBMIT yourselves: “OBEY” Strong’s NT3982, PEITHOS – In the “original” Greek means to “persuade” but the word “obey” was inserted in its place to deceive many and to keep control over the people! The word “OVER you” is not found in the original text, and must be dismissed. RULE - Strong’s NT2233 - When I checked what the Greek word translated “rule” is in this verse and verses like it, we find that this is not a translation but a redefinition of one Greek word and it is normally translated “esteem to lead” or “to go before.” Them that have the rule over…” is a substitution by the translators. SUBMIT NT5226 – “be weak, surrender” There is no implication here whatsoever of “ruling over” another or “lording” over another, for “in Christ” we are ALL equal with Christ as our Head, our Lord and Master! ********** Another vs! KJV Heb 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. RULE – NT2233 – to lead, to guide, OVER YOU – NOT IN THE ORIGINAL! It must be dismissed! Remember your leaders, who spoke to you the word of God: of whom, whose faith follow, considering the issues of {their} conduct, imitate {their} faith….. Be persuaded by them that are led to share and go before you speaking the Word of God, for our persuasion comes “from God”, by His Spirit speaking through this earthen vessel, that the Power is of God, and not of man! His Life will be evident in those that share Life, and because of His life in us, we each submit to one another by and through Love, being clothed with humility by the hand of God; for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble! “If an older man an elder, pastor, teacher is spiritually mature, and truly interested in loving people, HE DOESNT HAVE TO HAVE ANY AUTHORITY to be of service to others and to share the gospel of Christ. He will never have to demand that people respect and listen, for they will respect and honour gladly, and “with heart”. If he is Christ-like within, his life will show the same quality of love because of the Oneness shared together! People will be persuaded by Christ life living in an through, being an example, listening to Words of Life, and will listen to His Knowledge and wisdom in the understanding of Himself for it ALL comes from God and not by man. He alone is the Glory, not sharing His Glory with anyone!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 03:12:30 +0000

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