One year before on 4 July, 2013, in Mainz, Germany, Guru Maharaja - TopicsExpress


One year before on 4 July, 2013, in Mainz, Germany, Guru Maharaja came and gave initiation on the occasion of holy Yogini Ekadasi. I was one of the three fortunate souls to receive initiation from him on that day. I was appointed as GMs servant during his two days of staying and knowing me as a Bengali, GM talked me in Bengali and asked who is my recommendation giver for this initiation. I told him Lilaraj Prabhus name, from Chittagong, Bangladesh. During initiation ceremony, GM asked the witness who know the candidates and are interested to speak about each one, which usually never seen before! Probably due to the very low number of initiation candidates. Before me, two other candidate devotees came and and some spoke and glorified them and then they got the names and beads. On my turn, I kneed down at the near of GMs lotus feet and brahmana was about to announce my name, but GMs suddenly stopped him and asked the witness to speak about me, as they forgot to speak! Amrita Doya matajee spoke on how long I have been known to her and some other good qualities (!!??) caught on her eyes and Aleksandra matajee (one of GMs very very loving) spoke how she learned making of gulab jamun from me that day morning at our first meet. Everyone looked very happy and screamed with Haribol, due to gulab jamun! GM also gave a happy and pleased face (at least in my eyes!). I felt nice, because I never did any high scale service nor any intense preaching, but a very little-tiny-insignificant but sincere attempt to show a devotee making of golab jamun for a feast could make GM literally happy! Then GM took the mic to speak himself! GM spoke, This boy is from Chittagong is in Bangladesh and Bangladesh is a part of Gaura Mandala bhumi. Chittagong is famous for vaisanavas, because Pundariaka Vidyanidhi mahasaya appeared there..ahh!, and immediately GM chocked completely. Everyone was stunned and the whole environment went to a pin drop silence, only the cracking sounds of the burned sticks were coming out from the fire yajna. After a few seconds Ekanath prabhu, the yajna brahmana, took the mic and glorified Pundarika Vidyanidhi mahasaya and asked everyone to visit there is a must. Immediately I remembered one pastime of Srila Prabhupada told by HH Indradyumna Swami maharaja when tears were shedding from Srila Prabhupadas eye during the deity installation ceremony in Paris. And maharaja mentioned, he was sitting at the lotus feet of SP and seeing the very rare scene manifested by SP convinced him completely that he is a pure devotee of Lord Krishna and remarked, only by association with pure devotee one can understand who is supreme lord and his pure devotees, but not by some mental argument and imagination.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 10:28:23 +0000

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