Open Portals of Worship By Brenda • August 1, 2013 Print - TopicsExpress


Open Portals of Worship By Brenda • August 1, 2013 Print This Word of the Day Beloved, worship creates an open portal between heaven and earth—between your heart and Mine. As you tremble at My word, the earth shakes. And like a mighty underground spring, the Word dwelling in you is brought to the surface in a free-flowing fountain as you release exalted praise. It rises to the very heavens where it is returned in a penetrating downpour of revelation and truth—a truth which transforms mediocrity into excellence, doubt into faith and apathy into preserving, tenacious, steadfast and exuberant desire. Dryness is an indicator that your land, your heart, is in dire need of refreshing rains. You are in control of the rain. You don’t have to wait for the weather man’s predictions or for the storm front to come in. All you have to do is humble yourself, choose to worship and I will flood your dry ground and your dry life with the dew of heaven (James 4:10). You will reap what you sow. Sow worship and you will reap desire to worship. In doing this you will bring life to the innermost parts of you being. Attitudes will change and doubt will become faith. Every attitude and doubt subjected to the atmosphere of worship is translated from the sphere of the impossible to the possible. At the same time this is happening, a continual process of giving and receiving is building a house—a habitation of My glory in you—in the earth. Draw aside and be with Me. Let your heart rejoice and be glad. I have everything covered and you will come to know this at a deeper level if you worship. Every act of worship is one more block in the house you are building for Me. I cannot be contained by building and edifices but I do abide with creative power in your heart. Let the innovative power of worship make a way where there is no way. Worship opens the doors of revelation (Psalms 25:14). Won’t you come in…Read Complete Love Letter… Humble yourselves [feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up and make your lives significant]. (James 4:10 Amplified)The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its [deep, inner] meaning (Psalms 25:14 Amplified) Need to rest in Him. Try listening to “Rest In Me” a 45 minute Soaking Session Prayer Lord, I tremble at the power of Your word. My heart is full of adoration when I think on You or the mighty deeds You have done. The trembling of my heart at Your Word causes wellsprings of life to flow from me. I release worship to You and it rises to condense the clouds of heaven and pours back over me, bringing revelation to my spirit, my heart. When I am dry and weary remind me to open my mouth and create rain through the power of exalted praise. Lord, I choose to sow worship and reap the benefits flowing from the portals of heaven. I lift all my doubts and insecurities up to heaven to be carried on the wings of praise to Your throne. Today I choose to draw aside and be with You, to abide in You. Let the building process begin afresh and anew in my life. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 17:48:36 +0000

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