Operation Stop The Wedding!!! “The best revenge is to be - TopicsExpress


Operation Stop The Wedding!!! “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Episode Nineteen The solely dark wood decorated office reeked of sheer masculinity and class and that was exactly how Reginald wanted it – a private space that simply said owned by a man. It was a medium-sized room, methodically furnished so that it neither looked sparse because of the scant well-spaced furniture nor cluttered because of the not-so-large space. There was just a black contemporary leather sofa, a small round conference table with just two armchairs about it, a black walnut-finished red oak shelf with a clear glass centre and then the rectangular dark oak desk behind which a black leather swivel high-back seat on which he was sitting now on. He pulled the seat across the broad tiled floor closer to his desk, bent his head over the stack of papers on the desk, staring at them and seeing nothing. The kiss had shocked him. That he could grab Alexandra Iguodaro and… just sink into her like he’d been dying to was still a daze. Christ! She wasn’t even his type and he was supposed to be working with her to get his type back into his life. Not drowning in a kiss that had left him literary wanting more. No, no, the kiss had just been purely a male reaction… her mouth had just been there. Just a red-blooded man reacting to a pretty, provocative woman… that was all. He puffed out a whooshing breath. “You need to get back your ace back in play, dude.” He mumbled under his breath, picking up a folder and opening it. He wasn’t sure yet how he was going to get back in the game plan. He could only hope that the provocative, scheming Alex would come up fast with a backup plan or else it’d be over for both of them. The phone on his table rang, juddering with vibration as it moved slowly. He picked it up. His brows lifted at the readout. “Hey, Ken my man, what’s up?” He said in a false jovial tone as he raised the phone to his left ear. Ken leaned back against the settee in his office. “Hi Regie, sorry to call you up like this – I guess you must be busy at work.” His voice sounded as dead beat as he’d aimed it to. Reginald tapped the fingers of his right hand on the desk. “Uh, I’m busy… but I can spare a few minutes for a friend.” I bet just you can, Ken thought with a lopsided grin but his tone was tiredly grateful when he breathed. “Thanks, man.” The plain fatigue in the voice coming over the line sent Reginald on an alert, he sat up in his chair. “You sound somewhat exhausted, heavy schedule?” Ken snickered silently at the almost believable concern in his voice. “Yeah, you could say that. Just got back from a video shoot that lasted all morning and I’ve got this tableful of pictures to sort out and another video shoot this evening.” Reginald listened to the stream of complaint with a sardonic look in his dark eyes. “The hectic life of photographer cum videographer.” He said dryly. “Not the charmed life we all believe it to be, huh?” His not-so-sympathetic comment told Ken he was finding the call an irritation. He decided to drag it out. “It does have its charming moments. Only not just at this time.” He expelled a weary breath. Reginald pinched his nose, wondering if he should find a way to cut short the tales-of-woe. “Well, I’ve taken a few shots and videoed a film or two in my day… nothing as professional as yours I’m sure.” He let out an amusing laugh. Ken’s rejoining laughter sounded hollow. “But if you can manage an amateur assistant, you’ve got my help.” “You mean that, man? I mean you were a real lifesaver at the Introduction with the drinks delivery and the loan of your van and your driver… I just hate to continue to depend on you like this.” The hopeful voice begging for reassurance had Reginald rolling his eyes. “Ken, you need my help in any way at all – wipe out your lens, help print out some photos… whatever, you got it.” Ken laughed, roughening his voice to kill off any trace of pleasure. “I think I got all that covered. It’s the wedding plans I need help with really.” Reginald went on full-load alert. “Yes? What about the wedding plans?” He clamped his lips together to hold back the trickling laughter at the instantaneous eagerness. “You know how women are with a wedding and particularly their own…” he sobered up his voice so it sounded whiningly mournful. “Mara has got all these perfect plans in place and with the 21st century and these working-class equality type ladies, it’s no longer women just planning weddings… we men get to be an active part of the planning committee.” Reginald sank back in his chair, his earlier perkiness deflating, so this was just a lamentation call, huh? “Hmm.” He sounded for wont of what better to say. Ken heard the dismissive disinterest so like Alex’s when she has no interest whatsoever in whatever he was yapping about. Damn, do those two really suit each other, he smiled. “So she’s got all these shared duties mapped out –” continuing with his whining and enjoying the knowledge that his complaints were jarring Reginald’s nerves. “– reception venues to check out; wines and cake tasting; invitation cards to name and distribute -” he groaned wearily. “And with my already choked-up schedule, I’m just all up in my neck with it all, you know.” Reginald was smiling broadly now, back to alert format as he twirled his chair. “Worry no more brother, I’ve got your back. As an advertising expert, I know all about perfect planning.” Ken drew up his legs and crossed them on the table over a stack of magazines. “You want to help out?” A touch of astonished gratitude sipped through his voice. “Gosh Regie, it would really be a great relief. I just need someone to look over these stuff with her… you know just stand in for me until I can get some breathing space here.” His smile went into full blast grin. “As I said I got your back.” Reginald repeated. “Just tell me where and when and I’ll meet with Ama and take it from there. You just face your photography and worry your head no more.” Ken forced the whoosh of laughter through his lips so that it came out like a sigh. “Regie, you are indeed a lifesaver. You just brought relief to an overworked, troubled mind.” He could almost see the chest puffing out in pride at the note of sheer gratitude in his voice. “I’ll text the scheduled plans to you and also let Ama know you’ll be helping out in my place.” “You do that, Ken. Now get back to those jobs and rest easy… everything is under control.” “Thanks again, bro.” Ken said before the line went dead. He hunched his shoulders, gripping his sides as unrestrained laughter poured out of him. As the helpless mirth surged through him, he found he wasn’t so mad at Alex or even the two-faced Reginald any more. Reginald dropped the phone and raised his head to stare at the two gold plaques inside the top level of his shelf and decided that this year was certainly going to be his lucky year. Smiling smugly, he bent over the open-folder, clear-headed and focused all of a sudden. **** Alex walked briskly through the swing door into thefluorescent-pink lit reception. The bright, dazzling hall glowed with its gorgeous girlish lighting. Ladies of all shapes, sizes and even colour milled about the hall, most strutting down from the golden-brown marble stairs to her right she supposed led to the store which she’d spied from the outside. Wondering which way to go, she cautiously eyed the group of ladies and a scanty number of male surrounding the wide-smiling young girl in lavender ruffle-neck dress who appeared not in the least frazzled in spite of the number of people demanding this or that all at the same time. Deciding that she didn’t need the hassle, she turned in the opposite direction, where another girl in less-girlish gunmetal squarish-necked cotton dress seemed to be spending more time on the phone than talking to fashion-crazed, desperately-eager-eyed females. She was a girl on a mission, Ama’s call earlier in the day had kept her on the edge of her seat all through the meeting with the Alcon Group marketing team. It had taken her long-defined business-before-pleasure motto to not request an adjournment of the meeting that had last well-over two boring hours. Placing her gold-chain wrist-watched hand on the cherry-finished wood desk, she treated the beaming receptionist to her cool, professional smile. “I’m Alexandra Iguodaro, I’d like to see Miss Ekwenem.” It worked like magic as Ama had promised. The girl quickly gestured to a navy-blue uniformed man a couple of feet away and the next thing she was being led into what she considered the sacred working area of House of Mara. The hallowed hallway was flanked at both sides by glass-framed working rooms brimming with heads-bent-over odd-looking sewing-machines and cutting tables ladies and gents in carnation-red Mara polo-shirts. They stopped in front of a large room where the business seemed to be white or cream-coloured gowns… she figured this was where her popular Mara spectacular wedding dresses were created. Ama turned on cue as if perceiving by some sixth sense that she was there. Alex waved and waited as she said something to the head-bobbing young man with an off-white lacelike gown. The next second she was bustling towards them, her face a mask of tired lines and creases. “I’ll take it from here, Doyin.” Ama nodded to her security staff. “Hi.” She smiled wearily at Alex. “So sorry to force you out of the office at such short notice.” She apologised linking their arms and pulling her down the hall. “Oh, it’s nothing. I offered to come, didn’t I?” Alex brushed aside the apology. “Wow! It looks like it’s always activity-full here.” She remarked as they stepped through a dark oak door into what looked like a feminine decorated office with its pink-granite walls except you couldn’t really make out the style with fashion magazines, stitched-up materials and all kinds of colourful odds and ends strewn all about the sofa, the armchairs and even her table. Her jaw literally dropped open in shock but she pulled it up again as Ama turned to her with a rueful, self-conscious smile. “Pardon the utter disarray, believe me it doesn’t always look this way.” She said gathering up whatever were on the sofa and dumping them on an already over-packed mahogany round table at the centre of the room. “It’s been a madhouse in here with the Mira Daniels wedding just six weeks away.” Gesturing for her to sit down. “And with my new website photos coming out in the next two weeks, I feel like I’m hounded by designs, clothes, pins and needles.” Alex slipped gingerly into the wide wood-frame ruby-red sofa. “I can see that.” Trying her best not to squirm under the unnerving chaos and clutter that bedevilled the room. She was a being of utmost order, tidiness and organisation. The smallest disorder sent her into a frazzled state of panic and here she was surrounded by a quagmire of what appeared to be a jumbled mess. You are on a mission girl, she reminded herself, plastering a friendly smile on her lips and forcing her back to relax against the sofa. “Can I get you anything?” Ama asked sitting now on a suede-covered armchair she’d emptied of its earlier pinned-up fabrics occupants, doing her best not to look so dog-tired as she smiled at her. Alex shook her head quickly. “No, thank you.” Sure she’d choke if she tried to get anything past her mouth in this nerve-racking chaotic state. “Just got out of a meeting so I’ve had my fair share of drinks today.” “So what’s up? You sounded real hassled over the phone and …” she gestured with a concerned look at her, “… you are looking completely stressed out and beaten. What gives?” She needed to get quickly to the heart of the matter, so she could escape from here. Ama ran slightly quivery fingers through her somewhat dishevelled hair. “God, it’s the whole thing.” She rasped out. “The Mira Daniels wedding dress cum bridesmaids collection, the ongoing House of Mara fashion magazine photo shoots and beyond all that the wedding plans.” Her voice rose in a desperate wail. “With the wedding just barely three months away, I feel so… swamped. It’s all happening so fast and too closely together.” She dropped her head into her palm as her voice cracked. “Hey, it’s okay.” Alex pushed to feet and rushed to her side. “Just take it easy.” She ran her hand over the bent back. “How can I?” Ama swung her head up, grabbing Alex’s hand. “I’ve got so, so much to do in so, so little time.” Her dark-brown eyes filmed with tears. “I’ve got a wedding planner, you know. But this is my wedding, and I just want to be a part of it all.” She looked up at her, her lips quavering as her eyes implored understanding. “I get it.” Alex said soothingly wondering if weddings turned women into emotional wrecks too as pregnancy is alleged to. “This is your big day and you want it totally perfect and need to know you helped make it happen.” “Exactly. You so get it.” Ama sniffed. “Mum thinks I should just leave things in the capable hands of Tina, my wedding planner. And should there be any reason to approve or disapprove anything at all she’d handle it for me.” She gave a teary scornful laugh. “My wedding plans being reviewed by a woman whose last planned wedding was in 1975? Yeah right.” Alex chuckled. “Thirty-nine years old school ideas… uh huh.” “You see it?” Ama bobbed her head with a shaky smile. “And since I’m not the girlfriend kind of girl, I haven’t really got any one to stand in for me and my sister-in-law is based in Abuja and just can’t abandon her family and work to come endorse things here for me.” She let go of Alex’s hand to slip her hand into the pocket of her khaki knee-length dress. “I just want to be certain of a couple of things –” she wiped her eyes with the powder-blue handkerchief she’d pulled out. “- cake designs and flavours, wine choices, flower arrangements, the perfect venue and all such things. I just want them to truly reflect me and Ken.” Alex took her hand and pulled her up, slipping her hand round her waist as she dragged her to the sofa away from the jumble on the cloth-cluttered table. “And so it will.” She assured her as they sat down. “You have got a girlfriend…” she pointed to herself. “Me.” “But I just can’t take advantage of your generosity like this.” Ama protested. “Not with your own tight schedule. Maybe I should…” “Shush.” Alex shut off her protest with a fling of the hand. “I am offering not you taking advantage. As for my schedule… I’ll make the time. I did promise Ken I’ll be there for both of you and I plan to keep that promise.” Ama squeezed the soft hand clasped in hers, eyes brimming with gratitude. “Oh thanks. This certainly relieves my mind. I was worried I’d solely have to depend on Ken… that’s if he’ll find the time.” She rolled her eyes. “But I’ll bully him into going with you, so it makes it easier for you knowing what we want.” Getting better and better, Alex thought keeping the pleasant, reassuring smile on her lips. “You are absolutely the best.” Ama continued to gush. “I’m so glad you and I became good friends too.” A guilty twinge pricked her conscience at the sincere appreciation glowing in her eyes. Not needing any such attacks of conscience slowing her down, she gave the hand one more squeeze and dashed to her feet. “I do believe we’ve got that settled.” She said briskly, stooping to grab her amber-orange leather-skin handbag. “You just let me know when you are meeting your wedding planner next and I’ll be there in your place.” Ama rose to her feet too. “Okay, thanks. Are you sure you won’t like to have anything? I could get out a bottle of wine?” Not on your life, Alex thought with a cringing look at the dire state of disarray. “Another time definitely. I’ve got to run, daddy is expecting home in time for dinner.” She lied crisply moving already to the door. “Okay. Ah, let me just grab my phone and walk you out. Maybe you can spare a few minutes to see the store upstairs?” She was looking at her with a hopeful smile. Alex almost succumbed to the temptation of going upstairs and maybe seeing properly the emerald-green taffeta long dress she’d caught a glimpse of when coming in. But another prick of the conscience told her she had to escape. “We’ll do the wine and the tour upstairs another time. I’ll probably come with Mina, she’d simply love and we’ll make a girl time of it.” She flashed a sunny smile. “You just get back to those designs and we’ll talk later.” She pulled open the door and with a wave, dashed through it. Ama listened as her clicking footsteps receded down the hallway. Retracing her steps, she pushed aside some clothing and slid into her bronze leather desk-chair. Pushing back the chair, she picked up her phone and clicked on speed dial. The call was picked at first ring. “You wouldn’t know any movie director who’s looking out for mega-talented actresses, would you?” She said into the phone her cheeks dimpling as she grinned. “You were that good, huh?” Ken’s teasing voice came through the line. “I was spectacular.” Ama bragged with a smug smile. “I had eyes brimming with tears, voice wobbly and hands uncontrollably quaking… it was a performance of the century.” Ken laughed. “And the disordered office?” Ama let out a merry laugh. “Worked like a charm. She looked desperately ill-at-ease and couldn’t wait to zap out the door. You are a genius to have thought of it.” “I know my girl.” Ken said simply. “Any clutter other than paper works and she goes panicky.” “She surely did. Now I have to get one of the girls to help me put things right back in order. Oh, I feel so like James Bond… all undercover and clandestine.” “She carried out her first deceptive act and now she’s James Bond.” Ken teased. “Get back to work, Miss Ekwenem, feeling all James-Bond-like doesn’t a designer wedding gown make.” Ama chuckled and pushed back to her feet. “So true. But it does make a girl feel all cool and confident. Talk to you later, partner.” She laid back the phone on the desk and wondered what Juliet would say to them having to rearrange an office they threw into a topsy-turvy state barely an hour ago. Probably will think to herself that her boss was slowly loosing it, she chuckled. Not particularly bothered by the probability of such a thought, she picked up her intercom handle to call reception. ************ ************ ************ “Attraction is not a choice.” – David DeAngelo. Episode Twenty He was making his way steadily towards the National Stadium. He’d dismissed his driver as he closed early for the day and was right now relieved there wasn’t much traffic on the highway. He had his hand-free clipped to his ear and was listening now as Dare incredulous tone came through the line. “Are you kidding me? Ken asked you to go inspect reception venues with Ama… his fiancé?” “You know Dare, women don’t like being tagged like they are a man’s property… makes them feel like they are not individuals in their own right.” At Dare’s muttered oath, he chuckled. “And yes, he did ask me. I’m on my way right now to meet my sweet, lovely Ama.” “Jesus H. Christ! Is that man dumb or what?” He made a tutting at sound Dare’s insulting tone. “Now, now, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain, Dare.” Dare hissed. “And how did you get him to fall for your act?” “Dare, I’m the kind of guy other guys rely on.” He said in a persevering. “It’s like a gift.” Dare’s derisive snort flowed through the line making Reginald to grin. “Wish me luck with my girl, dude, because I’m well on my way to winning her back.” The beeping light on the phone screen told him he had an incoming call, tapping lightly, he saw the caller id. “Oops, I’ve got a call from Ama… gotta to give priority attention to the lady, pal.” Not waiting for a reply, he cut off the call and picked the other, a broad smile shaping his full lips. “Hey Ama, I’m already on my way. Thankfully there’s not much traffic, so I’ll be with you in no time at all.” “Thank you for doing this, Regie. You can’t imagine how much it meant to me when I heard from Ken you were willing to help him out.” Ama’s appreciative tone warmed his ears. “It’s all my pleasure, Ama. I told you I wanted to help out in any way I can and I meant it.” “And I appreciate it.” Ama quipped. “But the real reason I’m calling is to let you know that you won’t be meeting me there… I’m over my head with designs and adjustments.” Her tone was apologetic. “But Alex has generously offered to stand in for me…” “Alex?” Reginald’s brows furrowed in a dark frown, he was meeting Alex? “Yes. I’m sorry this is all so impromptu. But I can’t help the work load and since she offered… and both of you seemed to be getting along these days.” She paused and softened her voice. “You are both working together on a project, right?” He blew out a breath to keep the disappointment from his voice. “Yeah, yeah we are.” “Alright. But if any of this isn’t okay with you, I can…” “It’s all good, Ama.” He cut in. “I’ll meet Alex there.” “Great. She has a list of the things we’d like, so that will definitely ease up your jobs. You do know the address of the Centre, right? It’s at Yaba.” Reginald compressed his lips and released it with a sigh. “Yeah, I do. No qualms. We will take care of it.” “Thanks again, Regie. You are the best.” The line went dead on that cheerful not. “Great. Just freaking great.” He felt like banging his head against the wheel. The last thing he needed was to be faced with the ornery Ms Alexandra and since they hadn’t spoken since last Monday, he was certain she was still feeling righteously outraged about the kiss. Well, that can’t be helped now, can it? He frowned reaching the roundabout and turning right, they were partners until those two are permanently pulled apart, he slapped his hand on the wheel with such force that he scowled at the stinging pain on his palm. He saw her almost as soon as he took the corner that led through the Centre’s parking lot to the green-lawn, tree-lined two storey building. She was wearing a way-up-the-knee Saxe-blue with a low cut oval-neck citron-yellow chiffon blouse. The shortness of the skirt accentuated her legs and made them look longer and she was looking alluringly youthful as she paced the patio of the two storey building. She spun around as he drew closer, the quick flash of irritation in her eyes sent a wide smirk to his lips. “Wow! Is this your Friday informal attire to the office?” He smirked as he stopped right in front of her giving her a leering look-over. “I rushed home to change not that I see how it’s any of your business.” Alex scowled, eyeing his casual tucked-out cyan-blue shirt over black trousers, peeved that he didn’t have to make an effort to look so craggily good-looking. “Ha, the seduction of Ken Okoruwa.” He flashed her a wink. “You are so on point this time, General.” “I told you to stop calling me that.” Alex snapped punching him on the arm. “Ooh, don’t get rough with me, tigress. It could give me ideas.” “You keep your warped sense of humour to yourself and your hands off me.” She warned, her brows ferociously knitted together. “It’s your hands on me, Ms Alexandra.” He smirked. “Tell me, is that part of your seduction plan – get-rough-with-him approach?” Because he sounded so condescendingly superior, she drew closer to him, lowered her voice as her eyes went dreamy. “Of course not. My seduction plans include – trailing tickling finger tips down his bare back, whispering sweet nonsense into his ears,” she deepened her voice, “all the while kissing and nibbling any visible body parts.” For reasons best known to his male members, he found himself stiffening involuntarily to her throaty delivered listing. And because his reaction was annoying, he curved his lips into a cynical smile. “With a plan like that our Kenny doesn’t have a prayer.” Seeing the smug smile at his reaction, he added. “You ever tried these tantalizing catalogues on a man before… or are they just part of your soulful wishes?” The taunting question wiped the smile of her lips. “Shut up and let’s get inside. And you mind telling me what you are doing here instead of Ken?” He lifted his shoulders in a careless shrug. “Plans changed. Ken couldn’t make it and sent me in his place.” “Damn!” “Yeah, I thought that too.” He flashed her a sardonic smile. “So what are we going to do now, General? Retreat and throw in the towel?” Alex shook her head making quick calculations. “No way. No retreat, no surrender. This actually works in our favour.” He stared at her thoughtfully angled head. “How so?” “Obviously they’ve fallen for our first tactical plan to get them to trust us. With them busy with their work and all that, we get a free hand to slow down this wedding by unhinging every set plan.” “How Machiavellian! See why I call you General? You know how to use every opening to our advantage.” He grinned widely. “I think you missed your professional calling… General.” “You say that one more time and I’ll knock you down.” “I’d like to see you try.” He winked daringly. “Just shut up and let’s go in.” Alex said brusquely unnerved by the tingling sensations at his boyish, wide grinning eyes. “Tina had to leave… something about another engagement but she did introduce the Manager to me and he’s waiting for us inside.” “Tina?” He arched a brow falling in step with her as they moved down the long patio. He didn’t want to walk behind her and suffer distractions from her emphasized butt and temptingly smooth legs. “The wedding planner. Since we won’t really be approving this venue or any other any time soon, let’s just make a show of checking things out and then head out.” “At your orders, General.” He dodged the punch she aimed at him with a laugh. They turned a corner and almost collided with a figure coming out of one of the halls. “Regie?” The lady in brick-red straight-cut skirt and blue-black cotton top looked from one to the other, her eyes lingering on Alex. “What a surprise.” “Hey sis, what are you doing here?” Reginald pulled her closer for a side hug. “Playing good wife by helping René find the perfect spot for his upcoming Sinfully Sweet pastry competition.” Rosa replied gleaming dark eyes still on Alex. Alex stared right back, never one to flinch under a stare. Meeting another Akin-Thomas, this is becoming quite a habit, she mused. They didn’t particularly share any special family resemblance, not like him and the mischief-making Reagan… just the dark complexion and the ever-curious mischievous eyes which she was beginning to see as an Akin-Thomas trait. She didn’t take after her mother’s trim build either. She was an inch or two taller than her own five” eight length, with a generously curvaceous body. Reginald nodded. “Oh. And how’s that coming up?” “Great. Won’t you introduce me to your… friend?” Rosa gestured with her flipped side-bobbed styled weaves. Reginald knew there was no avoiding it but he’d hoped he could keep his sister busy with talk, she’d forget Alex was there. Grimacing he turned to the head-angled, brows-arched Alex, of course she too was waiting for an introduction, women! “Alex, this is my only sister, Rosamund Saint-Michel, married to a French chef and hotelier and as nosey and inquisitive as they come.” His sister smacked him on the shoulder but he only shook his head. “Rosa, this is Alexandra Iguodaro, MD Raven Heights Advertising Firm… and save the snide remarks.” He added. “I don’t make snide remarks, Regie, I’m a lady… we make congenial remarks.” Rosa rebuked before flashing a wide smile at Alex. “Hello, Alexandra. Or should I call you Alex like my brother did?” What was it about this family that made them so likeable and why did that whatever not rub off on grumpy Reginald? “Please feel free to and nice to meet you.” Alex returned the wide smile. “Oh, it’s not just nice, but a pleasure to meet you… my brother’s business rival.” Rosa grinned, her dark eyes twinkling. Reginald groaned, he knew this was coming. “Rosa, don’t start now I…” The shrill ringtone of his phone interrupted him, he saw the caller id and swore softly. “Sorry, ladies I’ve got to take this. Rosa – play nice.” He gave his sister a pleading look. “I’m always nice. Now step aside with that screeching phone and allow us to gossip a little.” Rosa nudged him on the back and shaking his head, he clicked the answer button as he walked back in the direction they had come. “So…” Rosa refocused twinkling eyes on Alex, “… the latest on the Akin-Thomas grapevine is that you and he…” she jerked her head in the direction Reginald went, “are working on some… personal project?” Alex arched her brow. “Akin-Thomas grapevine?” “We have our own rumour-mongering mill.” Rosa informed her with a gleeful wink. “Aha.” She inclined her head, I’m sure you do. “Ha, to answer you nosey question… yes, we do have a private project we are working on together.” Rosa threw back her head in a merry laugh. “Gosh! Reagan was absolutely right, you do have an attitude… and I love it.” She jiggled the car key in her hand, her eyes dancing with mischief. “You know, the Akin-Thomas men are all playboys until they are straddled and strapped in; are you looking to strap in my brother, Alex?” Alex decided that the Akin-Thomases had no conception whatsoever what tact or privacy meant. And since she didn’t care to be the centre of any family gossip, she sobered up her voice as she firmly replied. “Believe me, strapping inyour brother is that last thing in my agenda.” “But straddling him – would that be in your agenda?” She gave her a devious wink. Alex felt her cheeks suffuse with colour, as the thought of the kiss in her office raced through her mind. But refusing to be made a blushing innocent, she leaned closer and relaxing her face into a winning smile, said. “Reginald is certainly the kind of man that’s got more blood pumping through a woman’s veins with his dark, rugged, virile look…” She paused and allowed the smile to dazzle. “But straddling him isn’t allowed in the agenda.” Rosa gave a roaring laughter, almost unladylike as it was loud and raucous. “Damn! I like you.” She declared. “You are just perfect.” “Perfect for what?” Reginald queried coming back to stand beside them, his eyes narrowed. That I’d like to know, Alex thought shifting as Reginald’s body brushed against hers. “Me to know, you to wonder.” Rosa said enigmatically. “I like your business rival.” She added flashing Alex a wink. “Great.” Reginald knew he’d missed something. “Thank you. And I think I like you too.” Alex returned the cheery wink with a smile. “And that completes the bonding-hour of our day.” He took Rosa by the arm and nudged her forward. She smacked off his hand. “Don’t let the sarcasm fool you, Alex.” She said. “Regie gets sarcastic when he’s wary and on the defensive.” The smiled on her lips widened. “Aha. So his grumpiness is a defence mechanism?” “No, it’s not. And would you two stop discussing me like I’m not here.” “You see what I mean?” Rosa rolled her eyes. “Defensive and not big on emotions.” “Alexandra, we have a Manager waiting for us.” He pushed Alex forward. “What are you two doing here anyway?” Rosa asked holding unto his hand to stop him walking away. “You mean you two didn’t discuss that in your bonding time together?” “No, we discussed you and bonded faster.” Rosa told him petulantly. “Hilarious. Alexandra?” He’d moved ahead and was now stamping his right foot on the tiled floor. Alex stretched out her hand. “It’s been a real pleasure to meeting another ‘R’ Akin-Thomas, Rosa. And I find your name remarkably unusual.” Rosa took the hand, shaking it vigorously. “Daddy loves the unusual.” She said repeating what Reagan had told her. “A pleasure to meet you, Alex. And see you at Park view on Sunday.” She blew her brother a naughty kiss before turning to wander off. “Hmm, your siblings appear to have such sunny natures.” She remarked as they resumed their walk towards the Event centre Manager’s officer. “You ever wonder why that didn’t rub off on you?” She tossed him a sweet smile. “It did. It just vanishes when I come in close contact with abrasive natured women.” She slammed her hand into his side. It hurt but he only grinned cheerfully. “You hit like a girl… General.” This time he dived out of reach as her fisted hand lunged forward. •••Sheyifunmi•••
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:22:36 +0000

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