Our Duty as Humble Muslims in Mauritius. SOCIALLY: We are - TopicsExpress


Our Duty as Humble Muslims in Mauritius. SOCIALLY: We are duty bounds to support each others and listen to each others and work together. We have to participate in any activities that is NOT haram avoids backbiting and denigrating of others. We should be able to organize ourselves and represent us in as much Sport activities as possible. Muslim Youth Federation should get a bit more involve and increase it activities more often n regionally. Muslim should keep their Akeeda to themselves but at same time stand UNITED. Bringing Hate & Confusions will not help us at all other than bring us UNITED. FINANCIALLY: We are responsible to consume what it halal and avoid gambling. We are duty bounds to pay out Zakaat to the needy and the orphans n whoever may be entitle to it. We have to work and promote equality and always be Fair and Just and Reasonable towards any one . We live in Mauritius as a minority ethnicity and we have to work and co-operate with others as individual or collectively in our best behaviours. We are mostly in business and bear in minds we have to buy n sell with a reasonable price n profits and pay any employees their due accordingly. Inchallah we should work or incoorparate Islamic Finance in Mauritius for those that will need a mortgage in future. POLITICALLY: Mauritius is a cosmopolitan communities and therefore we have to learn to respect all other ethnicities whether they are Christians or Hindus or Atheist or Jews or Tamoule. Every one is entitle to freely practice his/her religion n faith without fears or criticism. Each individual should learn how to respect each other whatever their political views may be. Each or in groups should be able to question who their representative in Mauritius Parliament about their local and regional issues regularly. Remaining SILENT won’t do you any help at all unless you are allow to voice your concerns n criticism to be able to achieve anything . EDUCATIONALLY: We have lots of qualified professionals and skill man in [ IT , Accounting n Laws n Masonery n Plumbing & Electric in Mauritius, It is about time that we get ourselves organized and support the new generation with any kind of supports and practices that they will requires in future. We have to stop being Negatives and more look the future with good prospects Work and negociate with other countries for scholarships & Furthers Education & The-Training
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:34:42 +0000

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