Our emotions are uniquely connected to color. This is evident in - TopicsExpress


Our emotions are uniquely connected to color. This is evident in the colors that appear in the aura. When the specific color that defines an emotion is trapped in the mind/body, it causes a block in energy flow in the body. If the congestion in flow is not dealt with, it will manifest into some kind of body symptom. Colors trapped in the body show up emotionally as, yellow/ fear, blue/sadness, black/guilt, and red/anger. Any color that is not flowing through the health of the mind/body becomes an emotional reference to the specific negative emotion. Any time anything occurs externally that reminds the mind of the first time the color became trapped in the body, the destructive negative emotion is activated. It is the past being replayed. Most people do not want to understand the emotional charge attached to their negative emotion because they do not want to deal with it. However, dealing with the unhealthy aspect of the symptom only addresses the symptom, not the emotion. Miracle Alchemy allows the individual to address the color. Trauma Repair is one of these solutions. It specifically deals with the unhealthy effects of color trapped in the body. It does this gently, and simply. Because the essences within Trauma Repair are living essences, they carry the emotional memory of specifically looking for and dispelling the unhealthy emotion from the healthy one, and thus releasing the integrity of the emotion. Trauma Repair works at the same frequency level as miracles. Because of this, it could be said that using Trauma Repair is a miracle. It is an awesome product, and only one in the many products that are offered by The Miracle Alchemist. Cheril Goodrich The Miracle Alchemist
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 18:32:14 +0000

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