Our facilities are designed to maximise the opportunities of being - TopicsExpress


Our facilities are designed to maximise the opportunities of being in an outdoor learning setting. Teachers with their students are challenged with new and demanding acitvities which are facilitated to help them to develop and improve their personal skills. The physical challenges of life in the outdoors help to develop self-reliance and personal responsibility. We do: * Leadership Camps * Team Building * School Cultural Camps * Prefect Camps * Church Family Camps * Function Venue * Weddings We can assist in the planning of an itinerary, which may include a range of activities or outings, and we offer specialist tour guides to accompany your group if so required. Our central kitchen is fully equipped for self-catering or you may choose the fully catered option. With these varied eco-systems comes an abundance of plants, birds, small game, butterflies etc. Each event-filed day will end under the stars around the large campfire relating stories and listening to the sounds of the African bush. Our facilities are what set us apart, and we know theyll make your stay with us even more enjoyable. At Futululu Park we offer you: * Trails: Make use of the two Futululu trails accessing the wetlands, climax forest and grasslands to initiate an environmental awareness. Witness prolific bird life and small game. The guide will introduce the students to the basics of bird, tree and small game identification, forest dynamics, alien plant control, habitat rehabilitation, flood plain dynamics etc. * Mission Rocks Marine Tour: A guide provides goggles to explore the deep rock pools and examines the inter-tidal zone in detail. The sandy shore and coastal forest can be included in the lesson. * Cape Vidal Tour: Offers much the same as at Mission Rocks, but is a fantastic site for snorkelling in the clear, protected bay. This site also offers trails through coastal forest and around a freshwater lake. * Crocodile Centre: Get a close up view of four different crocodile species and several types of snakes. The guide will keep the students captivated for two hours with an in-depth examination of these fascinating creatures. * St Lucia Estuary Cruise: The cruise offers good sitings of hippo, crocodiles and water birds. A guide can explain the importance of the 40km long lake and 20km long tidal channel as a nursery and feeding ground for birds and marine, estuarine and freshwater fish and organisms. * St Lucia Game Park and Beach: View magnificent mangrove and swamp forests, grasslands, pans and big game on foot. There are several trails accessing the various eco-systems for which the area is famous. Utilise the beach for a fun filled session of games and swimming or else do a beach hike from Mission Rocks to St Lucia. * Zulu Culture: Either visit a cultural village or be entertained locally by Zulu dancers. The students are invited to join the dancers, often with amusing consequences. * Snake Talk and Display: The knowledgeable guide gives a fascinating talk at the resort. The students are allowed to handle some of the snakes which makes it more engaging. 7 Eco-systems interact and coexist within an area of 260,000ha * · Lake St Lucia : the largest salt water lake in Africa. * · Marine eco-system : sandy beaches and the southern-most coral reefs on earth. * · The Eastern shores : separates the lake and sea. * · Mkuze swamps : caused by washed-down river sediment. * · Western shores : forests and fossil marine life. * · Coral Reef eco-system : includes all the coral reefs along the coastline. * · Mfabeni eco-system : dune forest separating lake and sea. The Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park offers: * · Different weather systems * · Different ecosystems * · Submarine canyons * · Sandy beaches * · Dune forests * · Wetlands * · Grasslands * · Forests * · Lakes * · Savannas Some ideas for themes are listed below: Food chains and energy flow The water cycle Nutrient cycles Adaptations of plants and animals tothe environment Adaptations to changing water levels The role of water in organisms (land, fresh & saltwater etc.) Mans relationship with the environment Oxygen and carbon dioxide cycles Why have nature reserves ? Culture and the environment Importance of wetlands How do various ecosystems differ (land/estuarine/marine)? There are less places where you can find a sense of blissful solitude and magical energy like in The Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park home to the second oldest wilderness game reserve in South Africa the highest vegetated sand dunes in the world. “The Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park must be the only place on the globe where the world’s oldest land mammal (the rhinoceros) and the world’s biggest terrestrial mammal (the elephant) share an ecosystem with the world’s oldest fish (the coelacanth) and the world’s biggest mammal (the whale).” – Nelson Mandela. Enquiries: Melinda Smith 035 550 4431/079 216 0553 or [email protected]
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 05:05:37 +0000

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