Our weekly scripture readings are back - we hope they were missed - TopicsExpress


Our weekly scripture readings are back - we hope they were missed - Monday: Read Luke 1:11-18 and 1:26-38. Compare what the angels said in the two visitations, first to Zechariah and then to Mary. How are they similar? How are they different? How does Mary respond differently than Zechariah? Why do you think that is? Put yourself in young Mary’s shoes, how would you have responded at the age of 14 or 15? Tuesday: Read Numbers 24:17; Isaiah 9:7; Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:30-35. What truths about Jesus are revealed in the Luke passage? Read through the Old Testament references. As a devout Jewish girl, Mary would have known the Old Testament prophecies and promises concerning the coming Messiah. What would Mary have begun to understand as the angel was talking to her? How could that have made a difference in her response? What promises do you think God is making to you ? How are you willing to let God complete His greater purpose through your life? What might that look like? Wednesday: Read Luke 1:26-38. What risks as a single girl is God asking Mary to take? How do you think the news about her cousin Elizabeth encouraged her and helped to generate her response in v. 35-38? When has God revealed something to you that you couldn’t quite believe? What did you do about it? How did God then encourage you to take a step of faith? Thursday: Read Matthew 1:18-25. This has apparently transpired after the angel’s visit to Mary in Luke 1. For Mary’s sake, why was it important for the angel to visit Joseph? What effect do you think the angel’s words in v. 20-21 would have had on Mary when Joseph relayed them to her? How did God provide for Mary in the midst of her situation? When have you taken a scary step of faith and found that God sent someone to provide you with encouragement and support? Friday: Read Luke 2:19 and 25-35. Also re-read and reconsider the prophecies in Tuesday’s devotional. What things do you think Mary treasured up and pondered in her heart (Luke)? How difficult would it have been for a mother to understand and know what was coming for her newborn baby? Would you want to know the future of your newborn child or would you rather live day-to-day? Why or why not? Saturday: Read Luke 1:37. Depending on your translation, the angel told Mary that nothing is impossible for God. How would those words have encouraged Mary? How do those words encourage you this day? What impossibilities are you facing in your life right now? How can you trust God with them?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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