Over-Confidence Is Our Enemy Right Now There are 9 days to go - TopicsExpress


Over-Confidence Is Our Enemy Right Now There are 9 days to go until the big November 4th Midterm Elections, and it is imperative that we remain vigilant, focused and avoid over-confidence if we are going to win these elections and strip Harry Reid and the Democrats of their majority in the U.S. Senate. One of our staffers, Donald La Combe, was telling our team yesterday: When I played basketball and football in high school, if we had a lead heading into halftime our coaches would always counsel us to not get cocky, relax and let up - because that can lead to your defeat. Rather, what they asked us to do is to play out the second half as if we were 10 points behind. Those are wise words we should all follow, lest we succumb to the same fate as the 2012 elections when things looked so very promising in late October, only to feel the sucker punch of defeat on that fateful November Election Night. And there are some important new polls coming out that should make you understand why over-confidence is so dangerous to our election prospects: *In Kansas, what should have been a solidly Republican state, liberal Obama supporter Greg Orman leads our Republican candidate, Pat Roberts, by 5% according to the brand new Rasmussen Reports survey. *In Georgia, another key red state we should be winning handily, Democrat Michelle Nunn leads by 1.0% according to the latest Real Clear Politics polling average, and The Hill has a story out today with the headline: Dems Have Georgia Momentum. *In North Carolina, the only swing state that Mitt Romney won in 2012, Democrat incumbent Senator Kay Hagan leads our Republican candidate Thom Tillis by a 1.8% margin according to the latest Real Clear Politics polling average. And those three states are historically conservative states where we should be winning by large margins. We need to win these races, which means we have to step up our efforts, and work even harder these final 10 days. We have TV ads, radio ads and online ads running in key states across the country. By Monday morning, when the TV and radio station sales offices open, we need to place our next round of ad buys. So we have now through Monday morning to go on an energetic fundraising push and we need your help. Please make a contribution to our TV and radio ad campaign in these key races across the country by making a contribution online - HERE: https://secure.donationsafe/ccc The latest Real Clear Politics polling data shows Republicans leading in 46 states, Democrats leading in 45 states, and 9 states still ranked as Toss Ups. In other words, despite what some of the political pundits may say, this election is still too close to call. And there is one other important point to make: in many of these key competitive states, Democrats - and liberal special interest groups - have been pouring millions of dollars into these races during the past week. In many states Republicans are being out-spent. So its clear we still have a lot of work to do to start putting some of these seats into safe Republican classification. We cannot afford to be complacent. We cannot count our chickens before they hatch. We simply cannot have a repeat of the 2012 elections where we thought we had victory in the bag, only to suffer a gut-wrenching defeat. Instead we must work even harder over the next 10 days and win as many of these competitive Senate states as possible. To accomplish this goal we must raise money between now and Monday morning - when the TV and radio station sales offices open - to place our next round of ads supporting Republican candidates across the country. You can contribute any amount from $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000. Please make your most generous contribution right away and share this important message with friends.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:39:01 +0000

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