[PAUSE] - in-car-nate It doesn’t matter if you are Jesus - TopicsExpress


[PAUSE] - in-car-nate It doesn’t matter if you are Jesus incarnate unless you are willing to PAUSE. Amy Mitchell Hargrove shared, in a response to one of my posts, about the importance of PAUSE. She nailed it? If you haven’t read her thoughts please do so (see the post below). She gets it! Her thoughts inspired the following. PAUSE is so important yet theres this little voice telling me I need to return emails from work, formulate strategy, etc. while waiting for the next test, the next doctors visit, the results. For the record…testing for cancer is a few minutes of actual testing with hours of waiting. People are literally just sitting there and w – a - i - t - i - n - g. Sometimes, while waiting, I return business emails and try to formulate strategies -- However, I am beginning to embrace the fact that while I am here, waiting with the others - the beautiful elderly woman from Bolivia, the chubby woman from Houston, the Irish jokester…my job is to be there with them and when God tells me to ask for their names and pray with them personally…right there, right in the waiting room, right in front of everyone else...I am to do that. The fact is…if Im returning business emails I miss the opportunity to be a blessing when they/we are the most vulnerable. That is PAUSE and frankly it is a joy and complete blessing but more often than not - I miss it. It is Jesus incarnate in the form of a fellow cancer patient. We must all learn to PAUSE, we must all remember we ARE Jesus incarnate as a stay at home mom, a businessman, a sales guy, a teacher, a therapist, a doctor...yes my oncologist Dr. Shureiqi prays for me and all of his patients EVERY day...he told me so. HE is Jesus incarnate. You may be wondering what the actual definition of incarnate is…well I looked it up. in-car nate 1 a : invested with bodily and especially human nature and form b : made manifest or comprehensible : embodied Isn’t it interesting…you can be incarnate yet not even be there. You can be looking at one human being, having what appears to be a conversation while thinking about the next appointment, a bigger deal, where you need to go, what you need to do next, while thinking, “How can I get her to stop so I can move on to more important things?” when the fact is...the most important thing, in THAT moment is in front of you. This holds true in conversations with our families too...it sure does in mine. God has given me a gift, he has given me cancer and I can choose to be present with myriad people in their pain, their fear, their uncertainty and I can leverage the gift and see him at work or not. Today I will choose PAUSE…I will be there with them. I’m going to leave my iPhone, my iPad and my laptop in the car and be present. Friends…this can be true for you today too. - Will you be there when you pick-up your kid from school or will you focus on the important telephone call? - On vacation will you play on the beach and let your hair down or will you focus on the next pressing matter that finds you on your smart phone? - Tomorrow, on Saturday morning, will you walk with your family to the coffee shop or will you work on the _________________ that is due on Monday? Again…today…while at MD Anderson I will choose PAUSE. I will be fully in-car-nate and I promise to share what I see and how God uses me. Will you join me? I pray you will. Yours for PAUSE, Greg Oh…I almost forgot. The blood work looks great. Praise God. Now for the CT scan results. We will get them at 2:30pm. Please join us in praying now that NOTHING lit up meaning there is no noticeable cancer activity. Thanks.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 14:17:22 +0000

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