PEOPLE /POLITICIANS: READ THIS... RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL: CANADAS SHAME How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong, and wrong look like right. Black Hawk, Sauk Gentle Readers, if you read this page to the end, and stay in the moment while doing so, you are to be congratulated. I know it is difficult to believe that Canada, a western democratic nation of such rich cultural diversity, a nation of highly respected global peacekeepers, carries shame and prejudice of this magnitude towards thousands and thousands of its own citizens. I sing you an honour song commending your bravery, compassion and willingness to honour my Grandmother in wanting to know what happened so that it can never happen again. I have tried my best not to be inflammatory, allowing the actions of those responsible to speak for themselves. However, emotions can run high and sometimes it is simply not possible to refrain from the occasional comment. If this page causes any trauma to those Indigenous persons who survived a residential school, there is a crisis line number that you can call, 1-866-925-4419. May Your Spirits Be Strong. American author, poet, actor, musician, and former political activist. Too many people Standing their ground Standing the wrong ground Predators face he possessed a race Possession a war that doesnt end CHILDREN OF GOD FEED ON CHILDREN OF EARTH Days people dont care for people These days are the hardest Material fields material harvest decoration on chain that binds Mirrors gold the people lose their minds. (Excerpt from his poem, Crazy Horse)_____________________________________ When we arrive on earth, we have already entered the reality of the already dead, spending lives waiting to die. The reality is one of the spiritually disconnected...Leadership, institutions and other things held up to esteem, yet none of them have any spiritual relationship to spiritual recognition. In the technological world, we no longer remember the original dream, ancestors, teachings or the is almost like they are spiritually disconnected from the past. The conditions we live in now, with the way that the cancers of greed, and war have spread, and no one has taken responsibility to effectively deal with these things. We have emotional outbursts, but there is no practical answers to deal with it....There is no spiritual relationship to their the shape of the future. This disease is eating up the spirit and they dont know it is happening. They only react as humans, but have no relationship to being. Protect your spirit because you are in the place where spirits get eaten. (Excerpts from a 2003 YouTube Video). TORONTO STAR - SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 2011 Theres no exact tally, but hundreds of First Nations children disappeared after being taken from their homes to attend residential schools from 1870 to the mid-1900s. Thats the most startling discovery for Murray Sinclair, the Manitoba judge who is chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, examining the effects of residential schools on First Nations Communities. Missing children - that is the big surprise for me, Sinclair said in an interview during a Toronto visit this week. That such large numbers of children died at the schools. That the information of their deaths was not communicated back to their families. Thunderbirds Comment: Manitoba has a very large population of Indigenous people; isnt it odd that Manitobas first Aboriginal judge, appointed to Manitobas Court of Queens Bench in January 2001, would have no idea of the death toll, and didnt or couldnt make the leap to a correlation between violent, hate-based crimes on such a huge scale and death. For thirty years, Judge Sinclairs main legal interests were civil, criminal and Aboriginal law! The Star article goes on to say that the number of deaths are in the hundreds, when, the estimates have also been estimated at between 35%-60% of the approximately 150,000 children who were kidnapped and savaged. 1909, Dr. Peter Bryce, general medical superintendent for Indian Affairs reported to the Ministry that between 1894-1908 the mortality rate in western Canadian residential schools was between 35%-60%. The statistic became public in 1922 (more about this below), That is between 52,500 - 90,000 children unaccounted for! Do we all really naively believe they died of natural causes? Mass graves have already been discovered. It is our holocaust. The good judge had a breakfast meeting with power brokers from universities, the media, business and banking at the National Club; He said its important for the story of the schools to spread from our educational system to the corridors of corporate power. Does he think we havent tried and tried? Who really wants to hear that our country and churches, bastions of supposed trust and reliability, are responsible for so many innocent deaths. Good luck with that, Judge Sinclair. Perhaps what might have been more compelling was to have some residential school survivors tell their story of humiliation, physical trauma and starvation over eggs benedict at the National Club; however, it probably would have required a set of squirm-proof chairs.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:45:36 +0000

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