PERFECT LOVE BELIEVERS CENTRE, BENIN WEDNESDAY SERVICE MESSAGE EXCERPT MESSAGE BY: PASTOR PRESTON IDORO DATE: 8TH JANUARY, 2014. When Jesus was fasting for 40days and nights, what most people think is that He was just fasting and praying; He was strategising as well. He thought about all that He needed to do, the plans and how fast He intended to accomplish His plans. Isaiah prophesied about the coming of Jesus. Isaiah 9:6; For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Jesus was First the Mighty God before He won a placement that made Him Almighty. He came to earth in the strength of Arch Angel Michael (whose name means Mighty). The Wonderful Counsellor can also mean Hes an extraordinary strategist. When you get born-again, the holyghost is birthed in you because you can never be born-again except by the holyghost. How do people get born-again? Rom 10:9-10; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. By this we receive the life of Christ and it is the holyghost that births this life of Christ in us. The born-again Christians have the holyghost in them- which is the in-filling and the laying of hands to receive the holyghost is the on-filling: Acts 19:6; And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. Everyone God created has a gift and a talent. No one can do anything worthwhile with their gifts and talents until they are schooled in it. The schooling refers to the acquisition of skills. Skills are not in-built but acquired; Skills can also be acquired by experience. Every propounded theory didnt exist by mere ideas only but also by experience. The course of your study took someone several of years to be understood and compiled for you to study. We read what people took so much time to discover. The holyghost in you wont work very efficiently in you until you acquire some level of experience and knowledge. Hosea 4:6; My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: ... There are different kinds of knowledge people lack that causes them to perish; - Not going for information - Read information but dont understand it - Having an understanding of knowledge but not putting it to practice and manifesting it It isnt how much you read thats important but how much you do. It isnt how much you hear me thats important but how much you do what you have been taught thats important to your life. It is a good thing to accept Gods word but it is better to do the word of God because if you dont do the word of God, there wont be results. A lot of people have heard so many things but only few are transformed into what they have heard. Many people studied in the same school; some where classmates but not all are truly excelling. For instance, two students studied in the same class and graduated the same school year but one seeks the help of the other because one made do with what he was taught. James 1:22; But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. The future is very bright for all, if you dont believe, when the world ends, ask the Father. No one has been created to suffer and fail. Jesus said that the poor you will always have with you. This is true because some people will always be foolish. Poverty is a product of foolishness. Do you know that the devil will never strive until he first makes you foolish. I got talking to someone who said, the reason I am not prospering in my business is because I lie a lot and as a result the anointing has left me. This is a very frank but foolish statement. The bible didnt say when you sin, you are no longer qualified… the bible says we should ask for forgiveness when we sin. So, why disqualify yourself because you did the wrong thing? You can still put yourself back on track. For instance, someone who is very efficient in a company, steals money from the company, a wise company wont lay the person off because they need his efficient service. The company would rather collect the stolen money from the persons monthly salary until the full money is collected. God needs the service of everybody; so dont disqualify yourself when God hasnt. Self condemnation is one of the strategies the devil has put in place to stop you. I was discussing with God the other day that when certain people do somethings and they dont seem to see the progress they need, they back-out and when they do other things and see progress, they conclude that they were doing the wrong thing all along. Every path to great success has a rough path. No one enjoys a car in its manufacturing state. The fact that you are doing what God tells you to do and you are yet to see progress in it doesnt mean God isnt with you. We dont need to feel anything to know that God is with us. Jesus promised to be with us always and not for sometime. It is said that when one sins, the holyghost leaves. This is a lie! The holyghost never leaves; people propound a lot of things and impose it on you because you have refused to learn from the word of God. Solomon was the wisest man on earth before Jesus came with a higher wisdom. Jesus never responded to people based on the questions they asked because He could see the intent of their heart and hence He answered them thus. Mathew 22:17-21(MSG); So tell us honestly: Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Jesus knew they were up to no good. He said, Why are you playing these games with me? Why are you trying to trap me? Do you have a coin? Let me see it. They handed him a silver piece.This engraving—who does it look like? And whose name is on it? They said, Caesar. Then give Caesar what is his, and give God what is his. Every believer whos filled with the holyghost and walks by His leading must be wiser than Solomon. Poverty isnt Gods wish or plan for us but the devils. Nobody was born with money; Gods blessings to mankind is in our gifts and potentials. Gods greatest gift to us is the holyghost. God didnt create an empty man and gave him the holyspirit, rather He created a gifted man and gave him the greatest gift: the holyspirit. The holyspirit cant best function in you until you first acknowledge your physical gifts: talents and potentials. Philemon 1:6; That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Do you think some of these worldly people are prospering on their own? An unbeliever can be blessed by God. Joel 2:28; And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: He promised to pour out His spirit upon ALL FLESH and not some flesh. An unbeliever can get an insight, inspiration and beautiful ideas from God. Galatians 6:7 says, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. There was no condition attached to this scripture; it says, whatsoever a man soweth.... whatsoever a man sows, he reaps and not whatsoever a spiritual man sows. Whoever, (unbeliever or believer) sows, reaps! No matter the prophecies said concerning you at the start of the year, if you dont do the work or responsibilities attached to it, there wont be a manifestation. Anything limiting your sight towards where God is leading you, get rid of it. Some people claim that witches are the cause of their poverty. Are there no witches existing in America? How come witches havent been able to make Bill Gates poor? Why? As long as he keeps thinking, he will keep becoming… As a man thinks in his heart… (Proverbs 23:7). Believers shouldnt be myopic in thinking. If the Lord says Hes going to do something for you for instance, dont sit at home waiting for the Lord to meet you at home except thats what He instructed you to do. James 2:20 says, But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Faith without works: a corresponding action, is dead. God created the world and put you in it so that you can color or beautify the world. You are blessed of Gods principles you utilize. The blessings of God isnt upon the location of the just but the head of the just. Proverbs 10:6 says, Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked. and Proverbs 10:22 says, The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. So, you dont have to do ministry abroad just because you seek to prosper. It isnt your location that blesses you, it is you that blesses your location. James 2:26; For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. A dead man cant do anything because his spirit is no more in the body, so is faith without a corresponding action called Work! Some people attribute certain peoples success to God just favoring them because they feel these people were specially formed by God. Truth is, everyone was specially formed by God. Some use that as an excuse to remain where they are. Proverbs 4:7; Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Wisdom is the ability to acknowledge excellence in an information and understanding is the ability to get result from the information because every information has a result. Get wisdom and in all the wisdom gotten, get understanding. No matter how beautiful the body is, without the spirit, it is dead. Likewise, no matter how beautiful your faith is, if theres no work, it is dead. There are dead people today with bright ideas. Some people talk big yet they are small because they have refused to put their faith to good use: work! Two people could say the same thing and one person gets the result because one worked and the other didnt. When God gives you a big work, start thinking and strategising for it rather than celebrating it. Why think? Big work, Big responsibilities! For everything you want to become, theres a bigger responsibility. If you can see the world, you will own it. As far as your eyes can see… if you can see the picture of your life, you can walk into it. Dont allow people influence you wrongly. Strategise for your life, work hard. Will you strategise? The holyghost is in you to help you work with your abilities for a brighter life for you. You are the one to cause a change and bring beauty to your environment. Theres a bright future ahead of you. Your accomplishments can pave a way for you. It is a norm for people to see older men successful but when a young man is successful, it becomes a news. God said to us specifically that this year is a year of great accomplishments and we will grow bigger this year. Amen! Anything thats not in Gods plan for you, push them out. Dont give the devil credit and dont let him take charge of your environment when you are there. Take charge of your environment. Think and strategise! Whatever you invest in food, ends in the toilet. What you were yesterday isnt as important as tomorrow. The future counts! Hear what God says and be disciplined enough to follow Gods leading. Romans 8:14; For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. The holyghost wont help you break the rules but would rather upgrade the rule when the present rule fails. What do I mean? For instance you are driving and about to crash, the holyghost can help you by directing you to use the brakes of the car but in a situation where the brakes fail, the holyghost can bring the car to a halt. This is because you did what you ought to do at first but it didnt work. I Believe that believers can be very successful and still serve God well. You cant be a success doing what your fathers do but doing what they couldnt do. The glory of the latter shall be greater than the former(Haggai 2:9). We can do great and become great. I pray for you, Greatness is in your gene; Success is yours; you will not fail in life, in the name of Jesus. Greater is He thats in you; you will do great things and you will work by the leading of the holyghost. You are more than a conqueror. You will never be foolish. You will be full of wisdom, doing Gods word and not just a hearer of the word. Wisdom and excellence is at work in you. You wont be myopic and you wont think small. Christ in you, the hope of glory. People will give glory to God for your life. Arise and shine, for the glory of God is risen upon you. God is on your side. The anointing of God to prosper, to think expansion, increase, receive in the name of Jesus. Amen! Give God praise!!!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:25:38 +0000

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