PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH!! HOW YOU CAN HELP LINDSAY! We arent asking for money, donation, or anything out of your pocket. All we are asking for is 5 minutes of your time so that we can get Lindsay to share her amazing story to the world. Ellen is such an amazing person and as i try to play her big brother i will stop at nothing to see it happen. Please lets band together to make this happen. To bring uniqueness to this we will be exposing Lindsay and Is bond. I am not looking for personal gain from this, im looking for that smile you see in the videos and the pictures to be spread on a bigger platform then we can imagine. STEP ONE: Go to Ellens link for a story request: ellentv/be-on-the-show/682/ STEP TWO: Fill out the top part of form. THIRD STEP (2nd most important): Read the template and story below. Really grasp the magnitude of the story. After discovering that this story is alittle bit more than the 1500 character limit lol, that means you will have to sum it up in your own words what this story means to you (which im my opinion is better so that each email is unique). If you dont feel anything when reading this story then its ok to pass on this. If you do, i urge you to really put your heart into it, short and sweet, and leave enough space for the fourth step. FOURTH STEP: copy and paste video right underneath your write up. https://youtube/watch?v=fcA96OQ1NpU&list=UU4ybS9u12rrDT6waJV3Bgyg FIFTH STEP (MOST IMPORTANT): PRAY! Keep our fingers crossed that someone higher will see one of our emails and felt the heart put into it from one of us and want to know more. That door is there, we just have to walk to it an open it. Please dont think that everyone is just going to do it because in reality some wont. Your effort will be greatly appreciated! When done, please come back to this post, group, or picture and comment DONE. You want to do extra? Share it to your page for others to do the same!! Thank you so much everyone!! HERE IS THE TEMPLATE STORY!! (thank you mike) Do you like stories? I know that most people do, but I remember in High School learning that questions usually grab people’s attention, and I am requesting your attention. I would like a brief opportunity to tell you a story. Everyone likes stories of Hope, Courage, Love, and Friendship; and this story encapsulates the true definition of all of those things. Our story began in 2010, when a couple of guys wanted to make a difference. They wanted to start a fundraiser, but really didn’t want to do something that had already been done before. Spaghetti dinners, pancake breakfasts, car washes, and gala’s were not the direction they wanted to go. (A swimsuit calendar was also out of the question) So they started a powerlifting event, and Relentless was born. In 2011 they teamed up with HopeKids, an unbelievable organization that walks alongside kids, and their families, as they fight life threatening illnesses. We pair up incredibly strong men and women, who lift hundreds (if not thousands!) of pounds, with kids who are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. The mission of Relentless is to build relationships, change lives, and serve God by uniting strong men and women with even stronger children. Our goal since day one has always been to bring hope to kids and families. Money raised, is secondary, to the relationships, and the love shared between powerlifters and kids. At a Relentless meet, held in Minnesota in March, and Detroit in November, you will see men and women with tattoos, Mohawks, and piercings. Your average powerlifter looks like someone you would avoid when walking down a darkened street. But these incredible men and women, have hearts that are much softer than their rough exterior. In these meets, you will see a man squat over 1,000 pounds, and celebrate by giving a frail, bald, cancer stricken child a hug. Lifting the child in the air, the crowd knows who the real champion is. In these meets, you will see a woman bench press 450 pounds, and her truest joy that day isn’t breaking a World Record, but sharing laughs with a family that for that day gets to forget about all the Doctor visits, and tests, and bills that are in their near future. Relentless isn’t about pounds lifted, or money made, it’s all about Hope Raised. This particular story focuses on one relationship. A relationship, against all odds. A relationship that breaks down all barriers. A relationship based on compassion, love, hope, and sacrifice. I am writing to tell you about a relationship unlike any other you have ever seen. You know the pictures on the interweb showing the kitten napping on the 75 pound dog? This story is better than that. This relationship is about a girl named Lindsay, and a Marine named David. Lindsay is an 10 year old girl from Michigan. She is 25 lbs and has a smile that lights up the world. She is battling a rare disease called Progeria, a disease that speeds up the aging process by 10 times. Most people with Progeria don’t expect to live past their 17th birthday. David, is a 300 pound Marine stationed in California. He has multiple National and World records in powerlifting. He bench presses 800 pounds. The only thing bigger than David’s arms is his heart. He has fully committed to the Relentless lifestyle. He constantly is seeking ways to love, and care for these kids, especially Lindsay. Lindsay and David met in Detroit in 2013, and formed a solid bond immediately. Lindsay had watched all of David The Beast Douglas’s youtube videos prior to meeting him. She truly is his biggest fan! Lindsay and her family drove to Minnesota in March to watch David compete again at Relentless. They spent the following day conquering David’s fear of rollercoasters at the Mall of America, where Lindsay comforted the 300 pound man as they rode the log chute together. David recently flew out to Michigan to surprise Lindsay at her Walk for Progeria. The moment Lindsay see’s David is priceless! So, here is what I am asking. I am asking for David and Lindsay to have an opportunity to meet again on the Ellen show. I am certain that this is a relationship the world needs to see. I am certain that this is a relationship that can restore hope in humanity. And I am certain Ellen would love to meet the sweet Lindsay and the mighty David. I think the next chapter in this great story would be a spot on your show. What do you think? Be well, and Live Relentless, Mike Hamilton Mike Hamilton
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 20:57:24 +0000

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