***PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THIS…*** The holiday season - TopicsExpress


***PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ THIS…*** The holiday season around Christmas is a time to spend with family and loved ones. It’s a part of the year where many people set aside their differences and celebrate each other and their lives. Christmas can also be a difficult time for families..in particular one that I have had the honour to come to know through out this past year. Last Saturday morning we received a phone call from one of our clients..she was calling to cancel her hair appointment.. this one particular client never cancels her Saturday appointment. She is always there like clock work..therefore we knew something was wrong. She was beside her self and then began to explain to us that her 4 year old granddaughter had just been diagnosed with Leukaemia. The toddler had gone into the hospital a week prior due to complaints about chest pain and a severe cough where she was then treated for a lung infection. In the process blood tests and other tests were also taken. Things seemed to be getting better when suddenly the blood tests results came back and showed that the little girl has leukaemia. She was then rushed to SickKids Hospital in Toronto to begin immediate treatment. Her parents and family are in disbelief that something that seemed so minuscule instantly turned into a nightmare. The little girl is now in quarantine and has received her first of many sessions of chemo therapy. Tomorrow (Sunday, December 13th, 2014) she will turn Five and will be spending her fifth birthday plugged into intervenes that pump several medications into her almost every hour, and she is in constant pain. Doctors have also confirmed that she will loose her hair and that for the next 3 years she will be under strict supervision. At the moment it is unknown how many sessions of Chemo Therapy she will have to endure. Co-workers, Friends, and family members have come together to try and ease the pain as much as possible. The little girl has an older sister and since they are unable to see each other they have gone out and bought two iPads so that they can FaceTime each other. It is amazing with today’s technology some way some how maybe she doesn’t feel so alone after all. My heart and my prayers go out to this family, seeing this little girls picture today broke my heart, her beautiful smile and big blue eyes made my heart sink further then I thought it could ever sink before. It will be a tough journey this little girl and her family, her mom has now had to leave work to be with her daughter full time, medical bills will soon accumulate. I want to help, I want to give back, and the only way I know how to is through my music. Therefore my new single FLY AWAY will be released to iTunes soon I want to share the proceeds with this family and help the best way I know I can. I ASK YOU ALL TO PLEASE KEEP THIS LITTLE GIRL IN YOUR PRAYERS THROUGH OUT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON and when your sitting at your table this year for Christmas Dinner, look around you…hug your children…and tell everyone you LOVE just HOW MUCH you appreciate them and how much YOU LOVE them. Dont take these moments for granted they are PRECIOUS!!!!! I have kept the name of the family private because I have not presented this idea to the family as of yet..but I ask you all to keep her in your hearts and in your prayers… LOVE ALWAYS THIAGO As always I leave you with MUSIC.... youtu.be/B2wqxpT3fgk
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:35:15 +0000

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