PRAISE REPORT by Leila Nord - GOD THRILLS AUSTRALIA: What God - TopicsExpress


PRAISE REPORT by Leila Nord - GOD THRILLS AUSTRALIA: What God said – 11th November, 2014 Over the course of this past few months I have had the privilege of sharing the message of - The Valentine Prophecies, with a large number of people, and even having copies distributed throughout different states of Australia. I have sent them as birthday presents and as blessings from our ministry, just to bless the boots off those who would read and heed, the LOVE contained therein. It is incredibly interesting to watch the reactions and the ripple effect, and to pray over that seed, as each copy takes up residence in someone’s heart and home, and then to leave the watering and the harvest from same, to the Lord. He just asked me to be obedient, and obedient I have been! Amen! Example: - I sent two copies of TVP to two sisters. One embraced that book, and devoured it with a hunger and thirst, which only GOD could fill. The other – well who knows what has become of that copy! I have never heard from them since! So, I can only assume, that, it was read, and “offence” has been the by-product. Surprised? No! They didnt much like Jesus when HE dwelt amongst them, either; so why should I not expect rejection. Well, I can only assume that to be the emotional experience I am to “assume”; from months of silence. That being said…we pray over all of those copies gone forth to the ends of the earth, (and especially the copies in Chicago, where Brother David Dellit and his lovely wife Margaret, distributed). What we are assured of is this, that regardless of the recipient’s response to TVP, this is what our Lord says: - Eze 33:33 When this comes to pass--for behold, it will come!--then shall they know, understand, and realize that a prophet has been among them. We are told to be obedient; to simply DO as the Lord asks, and if we are obedient, He will take care of business, on our behalf. And Brother David Dellit has surely been obedient to do as God has instructed him, and so have I, and a whole bunch of other people to whom the Lord has spoken, and are now our fellow brethren, in the wonderful and ever growing circle of what I like to consider “our intimate friends.” I use that term “intimate” because, that is the theme of the Love Story – The Valentine Prophecies! If we can tap into the intimacy of our relationship with Jesus Christ, and His precious Holy Spirit; then we shouldnt have too much trouble tapping into the hearts and minds of our “identical twin” brothers and sisters. That’s the likeness HE wants for us to portray; to be just like HIM! And, for my own personal journey, I am feeling more interconnected with folk, from every corner of the globe, like I have never known before. This truly is “the latter day rains” of the Holy Spirit; The unity of spirit, that we have longed for, for as many years as I can remember. Let’s go back to story of our sisters, and their copies of TVP – in particular, the one with the unquenchable thirst for the Holy Spirit, and ALL He wants to impart. After reading it once, she offered it to a friend, who in turn, had another friend who wanted to read it, and so the story goes on, day, after day, after day! In a follow up conversation, I said I would send her some more books, which I promptly did. We usually give them out in tandem, with copies of “Four Blood Moons” also. I usually describe the reason we give the two books away together, like this: - Our Holy Bible – God’s Covenant. Four Blood Moons – God’s Calendar. The Valentine Prophecies – God’s Renewed CALL to His Bride (us), the Church! If we had heard Him the first time He CALLED, we wouldnt have required His renewed CALL. However, as only we humans can do, we have perfected the art of “stupid”, and ignorance and arrogance; amongst a whole bunch of other things, consequently getting God’s undivided attention, and as a last resort, to just see if He could catch “our attention”, just one more time, before the clock on His Calendar strikes midnight – TVP arrives! How great is our God! He truly does care for us so much, that He bothered, just one more time…! Hallelujah! Back to the story – more books sent; one set put into her church library, whilst the others were dispersed amongst those in search of the TRUTH, in her local community. Every phone-call we make, we fellowship together, and she has shared about - the results of “our searching”, and how good God has been in orchestrating the constant flow of persons, who are seeking Him out; but in their own insecure fashion. They are so unhappy with the Church, but want to know Jesus. Yesterday’s conversation went somewhat like this… I am just starting The Valentine Prophecies, for the second time. And, “The Harbinger” (the latest book I have sent to her to read), is already out on loan. And I had a visit from the husband, of the couple who come to see us last week, who had taken a copy of TVP home with them. He reported that his wife has not had it out of her hand. She only wants the TRUTH, he said, so she has it (TVP), in one hand, and her Bible in the other. Oh well, she said, I will see if I can get you another one. Wow! Then as she was walking out from church, on Sunday, a gentleman stopped to inquire of her… (Another Holy Spirit introduction),… as to which church she was attending? Oh…she said…not a good question to ask me…since I don’t much like ‘religions’…and he answered … “me too”…but she said …I worship with the Presbyterian Church! Where do you go? Oh, he said….I have been in the military, and in the military we have “unity”… all in together, we all worship together…and that is how it should be. So, I am looking for the answer to “unity” - and the lack thereof, in our churches. And, she answered him…The Valentine Prophecies - will tell you the answers to that. It’s a LOVE letter from the Lord to us, the Church! I will see if I can find if it is back in the church library for you! The ten or fifteen minutes they shared on the footpath that day, crammed a whole bunch of like-mindedness into a one off conversation. She promptly extended a welcome to him, to come fellowship with them, if he so desired, after they shared some of their core beliefs, and the longing of their hearts. And they went their separate ways. How good is our God? Praise the Lord. I promised to get her a few more copies, and I suggested II Revelation, for the couple wanting to “study” it seriously. Then, she said, by the time she had returned from town today, two more people, had asked for it. She shared with me how surprised she has become to find people pop up out of nowhere; totally Holy Spirit inspired conversations, with people hungering and thirsting after TRUTH, and disillusioned with the churches. They just ask outright, about opinions on religion, for want of a better “title” and, that becomes the door through which the Holy Spirit walks, right on into very exciting discussions, she said. Wow! Thank You Jesus! Just this morning, she met with another friend and arranged to begin a new Bible Study group, to which they can invite these same people, who are all seeking answers, and reading TVP. So, I suggested I send to her, a few more sets, but this time, of TVP and II Revelation, for Bible Study purpose. Wow! Holy Spirit, we asked You to move, but this is ridiculous, don’t You think…he he he! We have a job to keep pace with You right now, Lord. Thank You Jesus! Love that we can share our little funnies, Lord! She also shared with me a very personal few minutes she had yesterday morning. She had explained that before she began reading TVP the first time, she asked the Lord, to make it very clear to her, that it really was a conversation He had had, with David Dellit. And He did. But as she began reading it for the second time, just yesterday, she said, Oh Leila, I just cried and cried. I see and feel, at such “depth” - only this time He is talking with me. She is quite overwhelmed by the power, of the presence, of the Holy Spirit. She said - I just have so much PEACE, my entire person has been taken over by the Holy Spirit; it is so deep this time round. Oh, and one last thing, before I hang up the phone, she said…while we were discussing the new Bible study arrangements, and sharing the scripture, me and my friend, I made a statement, that probably was not necessarily worded the best possible way, and she corrected me on that point. And as I ventured home, I pondered just what it was, I was trying to convey to her …but needing different words…obviously! I sat down with a fresh cuppa and my book, and the Holy Spirit took me right to the answer, she said. So, I picked up the phone and called my girlfriend right away and said…here is the answer, right here in The Valentine Prophecies. That’s what I really meant to say. Tell me again, how good is our God? Praise the Lord. Hallelujah! Father God we give You all the glory. We Thank You Lord Jesus for Your - forever sacrifice, that bought us back; and we Thank You Holy Spirit, for it is You who walks with us. You Favor us with Your presence in places we would never have imagined, talking with total strangers; we know not whom; and You start, and finish each conversation. Wow! I remain – Yours, still in awe, of Your Love for us, and how You arrange to share that Love with others, through us. All You ever asked for, was willing yielded spirits, and You would do the rest! Well…there appears to be a few willing yielded spirits putting their hands up, Lord, all over the world right now, and You will have Your way with each one of us. Heavens Glory holds the everlasting results! Can’t wait to get there and begin the beginning of the rest of our lives…! Amen! ……………………………………..
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 01:07:30 +0000

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