PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Lord God, On this memorial of our - TopicsExpress


PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Lord God, On this memorial of our lady, queen of peace, Fill us the spirit of love, So that , refreshed by the body and blood of your only Son, We may build up in our world The peace that Christ left with us . We ask this through Christ our Lord. Likewise, we are sending you the intentions to be inserted into the prayers of the faithful of the Mass: We pray for peace in Syria, may the two conflicting force at war with each other come to realize that no body wins in war and that peace is the only war to genuine community of human kind. We pray to the Lord. We Pray for those who are suffering and grieving because of this conflict of power in Syria, that they may continue to hold on to the power of love and peace rather than destruction of hatred and vengeance. We pray to the Lord. Para sa kapayapaan sa Syria. Biyayaan nawa ang dalawang di magkasundong panig na nakikipagdigmaan sa isa’t isa na maunawaan na walang nagwawagi sa digmaan at gawin nila ang lahat tungo sa pagtatatag ng kapayapaan sa isa’t isa. Manalangin tayo sa Panginoon. Para sa ahat ng naghihirap at nagmimighati bunga ng digmaan sa Syria, upang ang Espiritu ng pag-ibig at pagpapatawad ang magpatatag sa kanila. Manalangin tayo sa Panginoon. After communion, before concluding prayer, ask the congregation to kneel for the prayer for peace: Prayer for Peace Lord jesus we come to you in our need Create in us awareness of the massive force And conflict that threaten our world today, especially in Syria. And grand us a sense of urgency To active the force of goodness , of justice of love and of peace. Where there is armed conflict, Let us stretch out our arm to our brothers and sisters. Where there is abundance, Let there be simple lifestyle and sharing. Where there is poverty, Let there be dignified living and constant striving for just structures. Where there selfish and ambition, Let there be humble service. Where there is injustice, let there be atonement. Where is despair, Let there hope in Good News. Where there are wounds of divisions Let there be unity and wholeness. Help us to be commited to the building of your Kingdom: Not seeking to be cared but to care Not expecting to be served But to place ourselves in the service of others Not aspiring to be materially secure, But to place our security in your love. Teach us Your Spirit, for it is only in loving imitation of You, Lord, That we can discover the healing springs of life That will bring about the new birth to our earth And for the world. Amen. OUR LADY OF QUEEN OF PEACE Pray for us. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Pray for us We also encourage the faithful to have a Holy Hour for peace in Syria after the Mass. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The priest plase the host in the monstrance. INCENSION After placing the incense in the censer, the priest kneels and incenses the Blessed Sacrament. Song: Isang Katawan (Lucio San Pedro) INVITATION TO PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING (Ephesians 1,3-10) Presider: Praised be the God and father Of our lord Jesus Christ, Who bestowed on us in Christ Every spiritual blessing in the heavens. R. Blessed be God forever. God chose us in him Before the world began to be holy And blessed in his sigth R. Blessed be God forever. He predestined us To be his adopted sons through Jesus Christ, Sush was his will and pleasure, That all might praise the glorious favor He has bestowed on us in his beloved. R. Blessed be God forever. In him and through his blood, We have bee redeemed, And our sin forgiven, So immeasurably generous, Is God’s favor to us. R. Blessed be God forever. God has given as wisdom To understand fully the mystery, The plan he was pleased To decree in Christ. R. Blessed be God forever. A plan to be carried out In Christ, in the fullness of time To bring all things into one in him, In the heavens and on earth. R. Blessed be God forever. PRAYER Lord Jesus we thank you For having become a pilgrim with us And with all the youth of this counrty. You have come to meet us on the paths of life. You have not left us to ourselves And in our own solitude. You have challenged us with your inspiring And demanding Gospel. But above all you have entered our hearts. You have revealed to us the secrect of God Which is concealed in the Scriptures. You have walked beside us as a patient friend. You hae sealed our friendship By breaking bread with us. You have made our hearts burn Because we have recognized you as the messiah, The Savior of all. By doing this, you have entered into us Asking us to share in your work. And now we ask you to remain with us. You are always with us, Even though we do not always remain near you, We do not always abide in you. (3 Taize Songs) ALLELUIA GOSPEL 20:19-21 A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to John On the evening of that first day of the week, even though the disciples had locked the doors of the place where they were for ear of the jews, Jesus came and stood before them “Peace be with you ”, he said. When he had said this , he showed them his hands and his side , At the sight of the Lord disciples rejoiced “Peace be with you’ he said again. As the Father has sent me, so I send you”. The Gospel of the Lord. HOMILY PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL In his love, our Father in heaven sent his Son into the world to fulfil our hopes and give us an enternal future. Let us pray to him: Lord, hear our prayer. For the community of the Chuch, That we may make gospel credible By our commitment to justice and love, Let us pray to the lord: For people with out hope or courage, for those suffering from huger and wars, that we may revive their hopes by building a better world with them, Let us pray to the lord: For Christians everywhere, That they may not be ashamed of the gospel But speak its message of hope In the Language of their own lives, Let us pray to the lord: For all of us here, that we may not be self-satisfied But that we may remain vigilant To renew ourselves in Christ And to live for others, Let us pray to the lord: Lord, you are all our hope. OUR FATHER CONCLUDING PRAYER Taize Song(Adoremus Te Domine) BENIDECTION Let us pray. Lord Jesus Christ, You gave us the Eucharist As the memorial of your suffering and death. May our workship of this sacrament Of your body and blood Help us to experience the salvation you won for us And the peace of the kingdom Where you live with the father and the Holy Spirit, One God, Forever and ever. R. Amen The priest takes the monstrance and then makes the sign of the cross with it over the people in silence. THE DIVINE PRAISES Blessed be God. Blessed be his Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be his most Sacred Heart. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God , Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be her glorious Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, Vigin and Mother. Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in his angels and his saints. O Sacrament Most Holy O Sacrament Most Holy O Sacrament Divine All praise and all thanksgiving Be every moment thine Be every moment thine. Procession and Homage to the Virgin Mary With fear and wonder, we have heard and responded to the mission entrust to us by Jesus: to go on the roads of the world to meet with our brethren and to tell them about his wondrous love, to become apostles of the new evangelization. And close to us, as a sister and a teacher , as a pilgrim of faith, walks Mary of Nazareth , Mother of the lord and Mother of the Church. It is she who, with her intercession and example, strengthens our commitment. Song: Stella Maris
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 06:29:47 +0000

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