PRO GUN RIGHTS GROUPS’ COUNTER RALLY IN MEDIA, PA. A GREAT SUCCESS A coalition of Pro-freedom/gun rights groups counter rallied the Walk & Rally for Universal Background Checks on Gun Sales on June 28, 2014. Over 100 attended. The counter rally started at the intersection of Providence Rd and Baltimore Pike in Media, PA. After the anti-gun rights march passed they moved to the sidewalk opposite the Providence Friends Meeting House where the anti-gun rights pressure groups held their own rally. As the anti-gun rights marchers neared the intersection the pro-freedom/gun rights groups moved across the street from their path. They, the anti-gun rights marchers, passed without hearing a single threat or insult. Explaining why they moved out of the way and didn’t interfere with the anti-gun rights march Darren Wolfe, the gun rights rally’s organizer said, “We support and protect everyone’s right to express their views. Even people like them who want to trample gun rights.” The Pro-freedom/gun rights groups cited many studies showing that background checks have no effect on crime rates. Darren Wolfe compared Chester, which has a high murder rate, to Media, which hasn’t had a murder since 2005. “The people in Media have the same access to guns and live under the same gun laws as the people in Chester. The fact that both cities have very different murder rates shows that social dynamics, not guns, are the problem.”
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 10:53:58 +0000

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