PROFESSIONAL PROPHETIC NEWS! SIGNS OF THE END BEING NEAR, CIVIL UNREST IN THE LAST GREAT NATION, AND NOT JUST HERE BUT ALL AROUND THE WORLD! St. Mark chapter 13 VS 8,12,13 For NATION shall rise against NATION, and KINGDOM against KINGDOM: and there shall be EARTHQUAKES in DIVERS (different place they should not be at, man made) PLACES, and there shall be FAMINES (starvation, food running out) and TROUBLES: these are the BEGINNING of SORROWS. Now the BROTHER shall BETRAY the BROTHER to DEATH (CIVIL UNREST), and the father the son; and CHILDREN shall RISE UP AGAINST their PARENTS (disobedience, No God, no love, selfishness, pride), and shall cause them to be put to DEATH. And you shall be HATED of ALL MEN for MY NAMES SAKE: but he that shall ENDURE unto the END, the SAME SHALL BE SAVED. Revelation chapter 13 VS 16-17 And he (antichrist) causeth ALL, both SMALL and GREAT, RICH and POOR, FREE and BOND (prisoners), to RECIEVE a MARK IN THEIR RIGHT HAND, or IN THEIR FOREHEADS: (Note, Gods word is very specific here, notice He said, to receive a MARK IN, not ON, which indicates, the Mark is an IMPLANT, such as RFID bio chip implant!) And that NO MAN might BUY or SELL, save he that had the MARK, or the NAME of the BEAST, or the NUMBER of his name. (Note, Notice in this video the big seller is, you can run your transactions, medical approval, give your location in a time of need with the RFID CHIP! Buy, sell, as mentioned in Gods word!) KJV, Revelation chapter 14 VS 9-10 And the THIRD ANGEL followed them, saying with a LOUD VOICE, If ANY MAN worship the BEAST and his IMAGE, and RECIEVE his MARK IN HIS FOREHEAD, or IN HIS HAND. The SAME shall DRINK of the WINE of the WRATH of GOD, which is POURED out without mixture into the CUP of his INDIGNATION (anger/wrath); and he shall be TORMENTED with FIRE and BRIMSTONE in the presence of the HOLY ANGELS, and in the presence of the LAMB: (Note, Enough said, do not receive the mark, or we can NOT enter heaven. It is in Gods word! Stand STRONG ON the WORD of GOD, WE MUST HOLD STEDFAST, STEADY and FAST in JESUS CHRIST, we have the SEAL of GOD to protect us! Read Revelation chapter 7, and chapter 9 for the SEAL of GOD. May the grace of our Almighty, ALL POWERFUL JESUS CHRIST be with us in these ending times, in His Holy name.) Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:34:17 +0000

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