Pak-Russia relations and terrorism Mujtaba Haider Zaidi The - TopicsExpress


Pak-Russia relations and terrorism Mujtaba Haider Zaidi The National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia targeted the alleged militants on Sunday 20th May 2013 during a deadly raid resulted in the killing of two of the three-member terrorist group, while capturing the third one alive in the town Orekhovo-Zuyevo, about 80 kilometres from the capital city Moscow. During a probe made by the security personnel into the matter, the NATC was informed that the terrorists intended to introduce the political system of their choice out of their whims and wishes in the pattern of the extremist terrorist organisation Taliban in some regions of Russia; it is therefore they had schemed the nefarious and condemnable terrorism plan for creating chaos and challenging threats to the Russian security system. One of the most alarming aspects of the incident above-mentioned is the allegations of terrorism scheme have been placed at the Pakistan and her militants, by specifying that the terrorism designs had been devised and articulated in the region situated between Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Consequently, the Pakistan Taliban could have their hand, according to the Russia Anti Terrorism Committee, in hatching the scheme for putting the peace and stability of Russia into grave jeopardy for the future days to come. Hence, the incident could be another blow to apply another indentation in the already deteriorating Pak-Russia relationship. The question here arises is this why Pakistan and its citizens are frequently suspected and blamed for any campaign attributed to the deterioration of peaceful measures taken by the states all over the world? Since terrorism plans are hatched, and executed in almost all parts of the globe, and the terrorists captured by the law enforcing agencies, belong to divergent states of the world; even then why the name of one and the only nation appears at all mouths without taking any other nation into slightest consideration. Similarly, why the noteworthy and admirable achievements made by the Pakistan nation are concealed under the ugly pile of terrorism and extremism is a question that requires a solid answer to be made for the same. However, before unearthing the grounds behind the allegations raised by the Russian security personnel the other day, it would be important to elucidate the series of fluctuations Russo-Pak diplomatic relationships have witnessed during the last sixty-six years since the birth of Pakistan in 1947. No one can deny the very reality that Soviet Russia had turned out to be a great strategic giant in the aftermath of WWII, due to its playing decisive role in the ultimate defeat of the mighty Nazi-Germany; consequently, it was the Russian turn to establish the diplomatic relationships of her own choice with various states of the world, including the South Asian countries. The Russians looked into every matter with a keen eye in order to sustain the dominating political status the country had obtained out of the ashes of WWII. Thus, the political leadership devised a separate diplomatic plan for every region of the globe at large. Her strong economic and military pacts signed with the large South Asian secular state of India were actually articulated and executed by the then Russian strategists, during late 1940s, in order to lay the foundation stone of Communist expansion in the entire region. It is therefore the Stalin administration did not bother to congratulate Pakistan Founder Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah for obtaining independence from the British Imperialism by mid-August 1947. The Russian authorities perhaps viewed India to be more reliable and suitable nation where the Communist Russia could have her influence in one way or the other. However, India’s entering into agreements with the western powers as well as her joining the Commonwealth of Nations by 1950, forced Russia to believe in the Indian inclinations towards western-led Capitalism. As a result, Russia also started seeking new friendships in the region, paving the way towards the formation of bi-lateral relationship with Pakistan by mid 1950s predominantly during the Huseyn Suhrawardy era. Consequently, Russia supported Pakistan in the fields of science, technology, agriculture, education and cultural affairs with the ambitions of prolonging the ties between the two countries subsequently. Moreover, Pakistan also obtained the Russian aid in respect of establishing the industry that was witnessing the phase of infancy still. Somehow, the relationship underwent a profound setback when the US sponsored coup d’état made its sure headway, drifting the Pakistan nation apart from Russia for the future decades to go. Though Russia did not provide an explicit support to India during Indo-Pak War of 1965, yet the country was reported to have strong inclinations towards India. Nevertheless, the Russian hosting of Indo-Pak peace talks in early 1966 sought improvements in Russo-Pak ties; though these relationships could create a formidable obstacle on the way to the US ambitions against Russia. The detection of U-2, the American spy jet plane, and its getting shot down by the Russians in 1960, had raised several questions about the role played by the Pakistan military dictator in favour of USA and against Russia, where Pakistan’s providing military bases to America for launching campaign against the Russians infuriated the Russians to a great extent. Consequently, the Russians also added their share in the Indian-supported separation movement launched in the East Pakistan, which resulted into the partition of Pakistan in December 1971 eventually. Early 1970s introduced a new era of friendship between Pakistan and Russia under the democratic rule, where Russia provided financial, technical and strategic support to Pakistan in respect of constructing the mighty Pakistan Still Mills in 1972 on the request of then Pakistan President (later Prime Minister) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Bhutto was the first Pakistan leader to have a state visit of Russia, and entered into several agreements with the Soviet Union under the leadership of Alexei Kosygin. The Kosygin administration also reciprocated Bhutto’s warm attitude, and the relations between the two found a remarkable phase during 1972-77, till Pakistan entered her darkest era, when the American-sponsored military dictator General Zia toppled the populous Bhutto government in the wake of the purported Operation Fair Play. General Zia not only harshly turned down the requests made by Kosygin regarding surrender of the cases against Bhutto, but also played the condemnable role as the US broker during the so-called holy war against Russia. Hence, the military dictator fought from the American side against Russia by exploiting the sacred name of religion for his personal gains and just for prolonging his unconstitutional reign. What Pakistan gained during the purported jihad against Russian invasion over Afghanistan has appeared in the form of the deterioration of the political, social, economic and religious fabrics of the country. As a result, Pakistan nation appears to be divided on the basis of ethnic, religious, sectarian, linguistic and regional conflicts, along with its being the worst victim of terrorism and extremism from mid 1980s onward. The fruits of American aid are appearing on daily basis in the form of deadly explosions and bomb blasting in mosques and other religious centres, which have deteriorated the political institutions, social collectivism, cultural coherence and religious reconciliation all over the country. The US planted terrorism is challenging the security departments along with explicitly targeting the security personnel including the army, naval and air force bases and headquarters. Hence, the USA not only turned out to be successful in respect of dividing and destroying the Pakistan nation, in the sacred name of religion and peace, but also deprived the Pakistan nation of its great leader i.e. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on the one side, and its great friend i.e. Russia on the other. In addition, the situation has turned out to be worsened to such a great extent that the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia blames Pakistan militants for articulating the condemnable terrorism schemes that could deteriorate the peace and stability of Russia, the only challenger of US supremacy over the globe. It is the most suitable time for the Pakistan administration to revise its diplomatic strategies, particularly towards Russia, who had once supported Pakistan under Bhutto regime in respect of launching its mighty project i.e. construction and installation of the Pakistan Steel Mills, along with rendering other services for the mutual benefits of the people of Pakistan and Russia. Pakistan should not only vehemently condemn all terrorism plans hatched by the fanatic militants against Russia and other states of the world, but also must develop and improve its relationships with Russia on emergency basis. It is the time to make bold decisions; otherwise, the political heirs of dictator General Zia would start submitting to the US plans for the further collapse of the diplomatic ties between Russia and Pakistan, which could result into further ruination of social, political and economic stability of Pakistan eventually.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 05:32:23 +0000

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