Part 2 So what brings you in today? I asked awaiting to see - TopicsExpress


Part 2 So what brings you in today? I asked awaiting to see her lips in action. Im sorta dealing with a transition right now. Ive always lived my life in a masculine image, and now, I guess you could say Im finding my feminine side.. She said while adjusting her bra straps as if she was uncomfortable. Hmm thats interesting, may I ask what brought on the change? My mom passed away, leaving my younger sister, my dad, and me behind. I felt that since my sister is only 12 she deserves to have a positive female role model, and thats what I want to be.. She exclaimed. While she was going in further detail I began to become mesmerized by her positive attributes. Not only was she incredibly gorgeous but she had a good heart too. Her hair was all natural. You could tell she had flat ironed it before her appointment. She was of a creamy creole complexion, with a hint of freckles. Her hair was a dusty, sandy, red color, and it complimented her rosy cheek bones. She had on a fitted Ralph Lauren button down, with some khakis similar to mine. Although her appearance was feminine, her mannerisms were everything but. She slouched when she sat, and her legs were wide open. I couldnt help but think about how it would feel to be intimate with her. Ms. Johnson, are you listening? She asked. Ugh yeah, yeah, just taking some notes.. I lied. Im turning you on right? She asked. Excuse me, no maam, Im not gay, I just... She cut me off... You just cant stop thinking about how it would feel to ride my face. You want to grab my head and push my lips into you clit? Am I close.. She asked. I had to readjust in my seat because I felt a slight tingle and wetness between my legs. Were finished here.. I said while standing to direct her out of my office. See, I knew it.. She exclaimed while pointing to my crotch as if she could see the juice marks my box was leaving behind. She leaned over my desk and pulled my head towards hers. She took her lips and softly kissed my bottom lip, then took her right hand and pulled down my zipper. Just let me taste it.. She said. She grabbed my freshly pressed weave and maneuvered my head so that she could suck on my neck. I began to get wetter by every succulent touch. She came to my side of my desk and began running her hands up my shirt and softly grazing her finger tips across my nipples. Still kissing me. I moved all of my paper work off my desk and pulled my khakis completely off, exposing my cute new pink laced thong. She kissed me from my breast all the way down to my throbbing pussy, not missing a beat. I began moaning and she covered my mouth with her left hand. Still stroking my clit at a fast pace with her right hand. I felt my orgasmic climax, as I heard my office door open... Ebony, your 11 oclock is he...r..e Devonte paused in amazement. Ha Ebony are you serious right now? He asked while laughing. Ashley retrieved my legs out of the air and handed me my underwear... Tae, I can explain.. I said while putting on my clothes. You dont have anything to explain to me, youre grown.. Ms. Morgan, Ill meet you at the front to schedule your next appointment. He said in a professional tone. I was totally embarrassed but relieved all at the same time. To think, she knew every place to touch and lick because she was a woman herself. Damn. I went to the bathroom to wash up and to put my hair in a small pony tail in preparation for my next appointment. When I got in the hallway there was a new janitor cleaning the halls. He had a scruffy beard, a oversized jump suit, and some extremely nappy hair. We made eye contact, so I spoke and continued on with my day. To Be Continued...
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:08:08 +0000

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