Part III: My Testimony THE DRAMATIC EVENT On December 7, 2012 I - TopicsExpress


Part III: My Testimony THE DRAMATIC EVENT On December 7, 2012 I had an experience which was best described as maybe “super natural.” It was not regular, to put it mildly. There was spiritual awakening. I was at the lakeside. I think I was there about 6 hours, best of my calculation. I was in a conversation with best I can make of an “angel” of light, a presence very strong and undeniable, a presence of LOVE so strong I felt comfort, safe, like a blanket of love was wrapped around me, like a haven of protection was held over the whole area I was dwelling in at the side of the lake. Usually there are lots of motor boats going by that area of the lake, even in the winter there are a sufficient number of them to be a nuisance. But during that time I don’t recall even one. I don’t know if it is because I was oblivious to them or if they simply didn’t come that day. I stayed there most of the light hours and did not answer to my regular routine or reality in any way. I did not eat. I did not drink. I did not let my significant other know where I was. I did not hear or answer my phone. It was like a DOWNLOAD of information and truths were given to me. I was not like a voice in the way you and I talk to each other. I could not see a being, but I felt a being. The being was not over the whole area, only the power of it was felt strongly over the whole area and the “angel” (for lack of any word I know to use) seemed to be standing at the edge of the reeds to my right. In other words, to speak to it, I had to turn to my right. When I spoke, it listened and it waited for me to express my thought or question. Then the response would pour onto me like a whoosh and I would understand things without words to tangle up the meaning. It was never frightening, but sometimes physically over-whelming, consuming more energy than I was prepared to expend. But the experience was so filling and so comforting that I would not relinquish a second of it purposefully. My strength was uncommon for me, and I managed to withstand this state of I want to say “communion” with the angel for a long period of time. At the time, I did not know the Bible and I did not know that no man or woman can be in the presence of God and God is not in the habit of making appearances down here on Earth. So I had no other way of understanding this event, I thought it must be God. When my Beloved partner came to get me, he was really a bit flustered and did not know what to make of my situation. He was first a bit perturbed I had stayed gone so long without letting him know where I was, but this quickly turned to quiet. He just listened as I explained to the best of my ability. I also told him that “God” was talking with me and He wasn’t finished yet. So, to my amazement Daniel believed me and he asked in excitement, “Do you want me to make you a sandwich.” I said yes. And he said, “okay, but after that I want to hear all about it. What did God say.” So apparently, the sight of me did not bring any doubt about what was going on with me, it was definitely something not of this world anyway. My experience was a bit on the dramatic side and several miracles occurred. I beautiful ancient artifact was revealed to me with a gentleness and loving grace which I can’t find words to describe. It was beautiful and I accepted it as a gift of confirmation and as a symbol of what I found that day. I named the stone, TRUTH. And it has stayed with me ever since, my understanding of which has grown into a true LOVE for me Creator and a relationship which no man can take away. Thou I can’t claim to have been with God, by any means, nor would I want to, I have accepted that something very special happened that day. It is not so important to me WHO I was talking to that day, but where it has lead me. (Keep in mind I have shortened and not contained herein the intensely personal nature of the communication, the discussion or the detailed converstation, due to the privacy issues for my loved ones for whom I was petitioning and inquiring in earnest.)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:06:26 +0000

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