People who hate will always find a way to justify their hate using - TopicsExpress


People who hate will always find a way to justify their hate using the Christian bible, or the Quran, or the Satanic bible, or any bible anyone ever wrote. Ive studied many religions and the fact is, everyone picks and chooses what will support their personal phobias and prejudices. Its the truly wise person who can take a good hard look at themselves and see that for the most part, when we hate someone for doing something (loving someone of the same gender, believing in another God than they do, liking a political party that they might think will harm our country, hating people because they arent white and dont speak know, all that radical stuff) were buying into propaganda that someone put out there to keep us all divided and keep us from paying attention to the fact that 99% of us are being completely screwed over by the 1% of the people in the world who own all the wealth and will do whatever they can, be it lie, cheat, kill and steal, to keep us from banding together against them and taking back our great country. What could we do if we stopped drinking their toxic kool-aid and stopped hating each other for stupid reasons and started fighting for real FREEDOM, which means people get to do things YOU dont like, but YOU get to do things THEY dont like. See? Fairness! Liberty! Justice! But you go right on back to picking out what bible verse you want to use to say that a couple cant get married because you dont like their kind. My anarchist, many-religion embracing, lover of humanity in all its crazy permutations, will light a candle for you.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 04:53:44 +0000

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