Perkongsian you are driving and you listen to the radio traffic - TopicsExpress


Perkongsian you are driving and you listen to the radio traffic report says traffic not moving ahead plus your best friend whatsapp he already would suggest other route options that are clear some will take the advice and choose other route ,why? because it came from a reliable source. but of course few will ignore the warning and still go through the same route hoping the news are inaccurate and later found themselves stuck in traffic for hours..and now they said i should have listen to the news,i should have took another route instead from the story the example we understand human with limited knowledge ,will believe to what we think a reliable source & if not they will only believe once they see it..that is human. the ibrah Allah s.w.t With His mercy has sent for us Nabi S.A.W and Quran as rahmat and guidance on how to live on earth and no doubt Nabi Muhammad S.A.W is a reliable source he is Al Amin. it show us how to get jannah successfully ..we just have to follow , remember to trust the traffic update? there will be rewards and punishments that is Allah S.W.T promise but still we as human still live our life far away from this revelation despite knowing its from our creator..we think it will not effect us ,nothing to do with us,its just history book..its just arabic text we dont see much the outcome of our action now we wont see it in this life thats why we do as what we want...we do sins we are way from being ibadurrahman but Allah S.W.T again with HIS mercy has reveal to us surah Ibrahim 14:44 Sahih International And, [O Muhammad], warn the people of a Day when the punishment will come to them and those who did wrong will say, Our Lord, delay us for a short term; we will answer Your call and follow the messengers. [But it will be said], Had you not sworn, before, that for you there would be no cessation? Malay Dan berilah amaran (wahai Muhammad) kepada manusia yang ingkar itu jangan mereka lupakan hari kiamat yang padanya mereka akan didatangi azab, kerana pada saat itu, orang-orang yang berlaku zalim akan merayu dengan berkata: Wahai Tuhan kami, (kembalikanlah kami ke dunia dan) berilah tempoh kepada kami hingga ke suatu masa yang dekat, supaya kami menyahut seruanMu (untuk mengesakanMu dan mentaati perintahMu), dan supaya kami menurut ugama yang disampaikan oleh Rasul-rasul itu. Dan (rayuan mereka akan ditolak dengan dikatakan kepada mereka): Tidakkah kamu telah diberikan tempoh untuk berbuat demikian, dan bukankah kamu telah bersumpah (semasa kamu dalam dunia) dahulu, bahawa keadaan kamu tidak akan mengalami sebarang perubahan? - pretty much..stuck in traffic somehow youll get to your destination. may Allah S.W.T grant us protection we dont stuck in our way to jannah because none of us are capable of handling hellfire..not even a breeze of it. اللَّهُمَّ حَاسِبْنِي حِسَابًا يَسِيرًا Maksudnya: “Ya Allah, permudahkanlah perhitunganku.” O Allah! Call me to account with an easy accounting” (Al-Misykat no. 5562) Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat daripada Aisyah R.HA. bahawa Rasulullah SAAW. berdoa dalam solat Baginda dengan doa ini. Amalkan membaca doa ini selepas solat fardu dan sepanjang berada di Tanah Suci. Mudah-mudahan dengan limpah kurnia-Nya kita dianugerahkan rahmat-Nya, insya-Allah. Dipetik daripada Zikir, Doa dan Wirid di Tanah Suci, terbitan Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd. Wallahualam tried my best to remember from UST.NOUMAN explanation.. not his exact words.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:08:47 +0000

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