Personally I have no reservations as an internationalist about - TopicsExpress


Personally I have no reservations as an internationalist about commenting on the Scottish Referendum and as I am no longer aligned to the Labour Party I feel quite free to call its betrayal of the Labour Movement into question, just as I feel the need to call the whole history of social democracy and its betrayals and double dealings into question .So the ugly sight of New Labour joining with all the forces of reaction to subvert the wishes of the Scottish people and their referendum vote and deny them their freedom from Westminster s Imperialist agendas did not really surprise me -in fact I have seen it all before,time and again .What narks me most currently is the lack of faith of some sects on the left in the ability of working class people of Scotland to decide for themselves the terrain on which they will fight and the tools they will use for that fight and to use their individual and collective intelligence and political consciousness to decide for themselves how to deal with the Westminster austerity factory .Surely the democratic decision by 1.6 million people to run their own affairs was not arrived at lightly or because they were somehow misrepresented and misled by Alex Salmond ? It seems a very arrogant way of looking at things frankly . The decision by a significant proportion of those who voted for Independence arose , from what I have observed , from their self activity and organisating against Westminster imposed cuts which were ruining or blighting their lives and the outcome of that organising and those discussions raised peoples political consciousness -especially in the case of those from housing estates who were at the sharp end of the cuts and had been ordered to pay the vile Bedroom Tax -many of them women unable to pay it who were at first engaged in small local campaigns and later the mass anti austerity campaigns against Westminster which were causing the proliferation of food banks in their cities ,the ATOS assessments that were attacking the disabled and causing despair ,choices of whether to eat or heat......and in essence this was and is class war.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 23:33:25 +0000

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