Pierce through propaganda and brainwash deprogramming of media my - TopicsExpress


Pierce through propaganda and brainwash deprogramming of media my friends. Know Bolshevik Jews below hold Guiness book of world record for highest number of mass murders yet not a single name is household like demonized Hitler. Jews comprise 85 to 90% of Lenin and Stalin cabinet ordering 66 Million Christians to die brutal, horrible deaths by cruxificion, buried in ice holes something history classes dont teach. Learn the truth why Hitler was demonized he set the precedent to free mankind from usury! Excerpt, Know the truth! This was New Europe in the making, And this was the very thing world Jewry had to prevent at any cost, even if it entailed (75) reducing the Christian culture of Europe to the dust. Because, should this plan succeed, more and more states would be released from the grip ofJewish domination. Therefore the mere thought of European unity, or of any possible cooperation had to be discredited. And because more than the sixty percent of the press of the Western world is in Jewish hands, and according to American statistics, eighty-five percent of the American press and 100 percent of American films, this campaign was conducted on a larger scale than any other propaganda operation in the history of the world. By misinterpreting the racial concept the Jews pretended that the Germans were claiming sole supremacy for the German nation over all other nations. Thus they succeeded in estranging the other nations from Germany. They distorted the racial theory by insinuating that Germany wanted to conquer the world and on the basis of this theory was claiming world supremacy. The Nineteenth Century magazine in its issue of September, 1943, during the height of the war, admitted on the contrary that: The general belief that Germany started this war to achieve world power is, in our view, a mistake. Germany wanted to become a first-rate power, but to be a first-rate power and to achieve world domination are two different things. Great Britain is also a world power but she does not rule the world. The Jews also falsely interpreted the theory of Blut and Boden (blood and soil), i.e. the theory that a man belongs to his native soil; the concept of a unity between a country and its inhabitants was so twisted as to suggest that the Germans claimed all those territories in which any inhabitants of German origin happened to be living. By this means they aroused the jealousy of all independent European nations where German minorities were to be found. Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Bohemia, Rumania, and other neighbouring states began to regard with distrust the German Reich. They tried to explain away Germanys steadily growing export trade as a preparation for war and attempted to make the world forget that Hermann Goerings slogan of guns or butter had a precedent in the boycott by American Jewry. They ridiculed the sincerely pro-British parts of Mein Kampf, at the same time working on the fears of both (76) East and West by quoting certain passages of this book out of their context. This poisoning of the mind was thus stimulated on a gigantic scale throughout the world. When the German administration tried to stop this trouble-mongering at home it was promptly accused of dictatorial tyranny. As a background to all these forms of anti-German propaganda there was, of course, the undeniable fact that the abolition of the reign of gold together with the establishment of peaceful cooperation between capital and labour was a real shock for Jewry. World opinion was induced to believe that the German workers living standard was rising only because of rearmament. But, in fact, they knew very well that large workers settlements were everywhere under construction, and that the existence of the workers and satisfied families was a living refutation of those things taught by Jewry for over a century. What can have happened? they asked one another in fear. Have these hated Nazis really wrecked the splendid theory of the Marxist class-struggle which was serving our ends so well? as Bettelheim expressed it. Can great cities such as Berlin, Vienna and Budapest get along without Jews? Can a nation really live without exploitation, without a Jewish nationalist press, without the films, theatre and Jewish mercenary spirit? After all, we have kept the whole world under our influence for centuries by suggesting that without our cultural activities, our business sense and supercilious intellect all nations would perish and all progress would cease. And now Germany prospers without us ~ with a prosperity which is the living negation of our arrogant nationalism. Anybody looking at these steadily growing garden cities, at the satisfied and happy people and at the prospering intellectual and economic activities can see that our great nationalist writer, Bettelheim, was wrong when he predicted that world civilisation would perish without the Jews. So far, these Christians are becoming more and more satisfied, while we Jews are losing more and more ground. If the rest of the world learns about this on an international level, and if the foreign tourists and the worlds proletariat see that all this is possible without us, indeed, even against us, they will realise that we have lied to them. Our politicians, journalists, trade union leaders, capitalists and labour leaders will all become liars! Therefore we must destroy the proofs! (77) Therefore, these nice homes with their gardens, together with the new factories, day nurseries, youth camps and hospitals must he wiped off the face of the earth. For we have at our disposal our secret nationalist weapon ~ the same one used with such effect at the siege of Jericho. Let us, therefore, sound the trumpets for our world propaganda. World Jewry must be regarded as the sole war criminal of the Second World War because, in the first place, it prevented reconciliation between the nations and the possibility of cooperation, destroying even the prerequisites to these aims. With the help of untruthful propaganda and falsehood, and by use of radio and press, it projected a totally false world picture before the eyes of mankind. It created a general world atmosphere in which the mere utterance of the truth in connection with the German question might entail danger to life or loss of livelihood, or suspicion of high treason. All peace offers made by the German statesmen were labelled sheer lies. It derided all sober and honest plans. It made all social achievements in Germany appear as reactionary red tape, all the progress as an anti-progressive obstacle, every manifestation of the elite concept as barbarism and all forms of anti-Bolshevism as anti-democratic. Colonel Charles Lindbergh, the national hero of America, became suspected of high treason when he dared to state his honest opinion about National Socialism, based on his own personal experience. Meanwhile, in 1938, Roosevelt, who can only be regarded as a puppet of the Jewish brains trust, sent the following gaily worded wire to Churchill for the promotion of war preparations: You and I can rule the world! World Jewry declared war on Europe and on Christianity at the very moment Hitler came to power, or perhaps even before. The anti-German boycott movement flared up in America as early as 1932. Jewish organisations published full-page advertisements in the New York Times reading: Let us boycott anti-Semitic Germany. Seeing that this did not have much result, they began to prepare the New York-Moscow axis. Forest Davis in his book What Really Happened in Teheran, the contents of which were reviewed and published in the Saturday Evening Post of May 13th and May 20th, 1944, reveals that as early as 1933 Morgenthau was preparing for the resumption of American-Soviet (78) diplomatic relations. And the first Soviet Ambassador in Washingtons land was nobody else but the bloodthirsty Soviet Commissar, Litvinov Finkelstein. Before President Roosevelt, the direct descendant of the Rosenvelt family, came to power, all this would have been unthinkable. The common denominator that actually brought together American democracy and Soviet tyranny was ~ Jewry. James Whiteside in an article, Mr. Roosevelt and Communism, describes with appalling vividness in the columns of the St. Louis Despatch how as soon as Litvinov appeared on the American scene, a fearful procession of Communists (i.e. of Jews) began its march towards the White House. Roosevelt gave special permission) for the installation of a very powerful Soviet broadcasting station in the Pentagon (the American War Office) thus infecting the high command of the American forces with the most pernicious propaganda. As early as 1933, the editor of the New York Morning Freiheit, a Yiddish paper with a circulation reaching several hundred thousand copies, called upon American and world Jewry to unite all Jews in the war against Nazism. The American Jewish Congress, led by Rabbi Stephen Wise, joined the movement with avidity. In 1933, also, Rabbi S. Wise, on Hitlers advent to power, announced a Holy War on the part of Jewry as follows: I am for war! This memorable announcement was made on May 8th, 1933 (Edmonson, I Testify, p. 195). It is evident that at this time not even the outlines of the German General Staffs plans for 1940 were drawn up, for which Rabbi Wise and Co. hanged the German military leaders. A speech had previously been delivered by Morgenthau on February 11th, 1933, declaring war on Hitler: The U.S. has entered the phase of a second war! announced this prominent leader of Jewish Nazism. (Portland Journal, February 12th, 1933.) In the meanwhile, various Jewish and Communist boycott organisations were springing up like mushrooms in the United States, scheming to ruin Hitlers economy. A Joint Anti-Nazi Boycott Committee was already fully active in 1936, while Hitler, even in his wildest dreams, could not guess the exact time when the clock would strike and he (79) would have to try to free himself from the mortal embrace of the Hydra whose coils entwined the world. educate-yourself.org/cn/worldconquerorchapter6.shtml
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 18:30:56 +0000

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