Plan your day wisely tomorrow! There are a TON of events happening - TopicsExpress


Plan your day wisely tomorrow! There are a TON of events happening around campus. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 ♣ Hot Yummy Fresh...Vegan Lunches 11:30 AM-2:30 PM, Baldwin Room, Centre for International Experience (33 St. George Street) https://facebook/events/451046018371935/ Conscious and compassionate growing, cooking and eating will spark a revolution in your health, reignite your soul and is hugely beneficial for the environment. Never underestimate the power of your plate. ♣ Climate Governance and UN Diplomacy 12:00-1:30 PM, 208N North House, Munk School of Global Affairs (1 Devonshire Place) Rado Dimitrov, UN rapporteur and EU delegate, will be speaking about influential ideas that alter cost-benefit calculations about domestic policy. The argument advanced here is that UN climate negotiations have already succeeded in facilitating policy change without formal agreements, which help explain the worldwide proliferation of climate-friendly policies today that signal a global Green Shift, an economic transition to low-carbon development. ♣ In/Secure Intimacies: Indonesian Migrants in the Shadow of the State 4:30-6:30 PM, SS5017A (100 St. George Street) https://facebook/events/571359819661422 Rachel Silvey, Ph.D, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Toronto and co-editor of Beyond States and Markets: The Challenges of Social Reproduction, will be speaking on her academic trajectory and research in Indonesia, migration politics, and the geographies of social inequality. Food provided! ♣ Genetically Engineered Food and Your Health 7:00-9:00 PM, OISE Auditorium (252 Bloor St. West) https://facebook/events/1484127141872932 The 2014 Genetically Engineered Foods and Your Health Cross-Canada Speakers Tour seeks to provide the Canadian public with an opportunity to discuss their concerns around GE foods from a scientific perspective. ♣ University of Toronto Toxic Chemicals Workshop 5:00-8:00 PM, AM Room, 2nd Floor Gerstein Library (7 Kings College Circle) https://facebook/events/1481474782141682 Presented by Environmental Defence, Chemical Detectives is a free workshop designed to educate students about everyday exposure to toxic chemicals and how to avoid these chemicals. Food provided! ♣ Fossil Fuel Divestment Action Week After Party 8:00-10:30 PM, GSU Pub (16 Bancroft Ave.) https://facebook/events/747935938595107 Come celebrate Divestment Action Week with us!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 03:05:58 +0000

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