Please dont in any way take this as a personal attack on the - TopicsExpress


Please dont in any way take this as a personal attack on the schools. I usually almost always stick up for the schools. This is just how I feel about the program in general. Im also going to do this in two parts. CONCERNS AND ISSUES WITH THE EDGE PROGRAM These are all questions, concerns, and conclusions I have after checking out their website, watching the Youtube video, and speaking with other parents with similar concerns. •From what I’m understanding ½ the kids were upset and emotional, a few lied and didn’t take it seriously, a few only felt like all people were trying to do were get parents in trouble, a few walked away feeling confused and didn‘t know what it was about or why they were having to do any of it. So my question is how productive was this really? What did it really solve? Did this cause more harm than good? •When my son was presented with the question of what he was afraid of and he jokingly said his girlfriend (to which she is really more of a crush). He did not need to be told “she isn’t right for him” “there are more girls out there better suited for him” Um, he has only just turned 11 and was joking probably because he was made to feel uncomfortable, and was trying to lighten the mood. My husband and I know our child better than anyone and this is what he does when he is made to feel this way. Also he in my opinion is to young to be told any of that. Which leads me to the next question he was asked “What about girls drives you crazy?” Oh great!!! This leads me to having to ask him other questions they might have asked without having the birds and the bees talk with him for which he is still not ready for. (yes I know we will have that talk soon, but when we as parents feel and can tell from him when hes ready.) •My child told me he left the program feeling really confused, mad, and feeling sorry for the kids that were upset. •Tearing down to build them up“. So I have been working hard to make my child confidant, and to stand up for himself against other kids (which he has only started to do these past few years) only for this program to try to bring him down, remold him, and bring him back? •“To have them show their weaknesses, and vulnerabilities.” To me adds more ammo for the bullies. •This being done on the first day of school when half or over half of the kids are scared and nervous enough was NOT ok. The focus in my opinion should have been making them feel comfortable, safe, and getting used to their new surroundings. NOT once again tearing them down only to bring them back up. •I agree we need to have an anti bullying program. I however think this approach is all wrong. Especially for kids as young as these. I don’t think any of them have the maturity level to understand what’s going on. After all they are just starting to discover themselves. Maybe something more like that the Disney channel briefly shows in commercials, or something else would be a little more helpful, and age appropriate.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:46:00 +0000

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