Please excuse my lengthy post, but I have a lot on my mind and I - TopicsExpress


Please excuse my lengthy post, but I have a lot on my mind and I may stray. Tonight I watched American sniper. I could go on about the movie and how wonderful it was, and believe me it was. Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper did an amazing job telling the story of an even more amazing man. I am proud to stand on the soil he and his fellow service men and women protect and, for those of you that follow my posts that dont involve wrestling or me being a dumbass, as you have found out I am a huge supporter of the Allied armed forces. During the movie I became extremely emotional for two reasons, and it had nothing to do with what was going on, on screen. Without spoiling anything there was a part where a veteran was thanking Chris and it became very awkward as he didnt want to be thanked or even talk about it, but he was polite and kind of excused himself. My brother has been in the military going on a quarter of a century and has been in Northern Ireland Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, multiple tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the look on Bradley Coopers face was the same look my brother gives me when I try to talk to him about it. I felt shame and I felt sad that my intrigue would make him uncomfortable. My brother belongs to something that I cannot be a part of. Although we are family, we lost him to the military over two decades ago and they are his family as much as we are, but they understand him better. I love my brother and I should just give him the respect of saying thank you and leaving it at that. Will, I miss you and your whole family is looking forward to seeing you this summer, for the first time in nearly 5 years. The movie also had me thinking of my family, more so my son. Once you see the movie youll understand. I value the relationship with my son more than anything else and, like most parents, there are moments every day where we are reminded of how special our children are and how much more we should invest in them. Our time is finite here on Earth but stories told about us can last generations if we just put the effort in. I went upstairs tonight, lifted my son from his bed and have layed him beside me. He is my most precious commodity, as will be the son or daughter I am to be blessed with this summer. The movie was powerful, as were the thoughts it stirred up. I dont believe this was what it was created for but that was the effect on me. It also gave me a reinforced opinion on my gratitude towards our military and deep respect for what they do. So to all the veterans and all those serving at home and overseas thank you, thank you, thank you!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:29:08 +0000

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