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Please read my post and write your comments below: THE ACHIEVERS BILL OF RIGHTS By Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. The Achiever’s Bill of Rights, For all achievers, everywhere. The attitudes and actions, which are necessary to the achievement of any worthwhile goal, include the ability to dream, the choice to believe, the willingness to work, the courage to continue, and the determination to succeed. These qualities, and others with them, are not only essential to all true achievement; each of them is your right. Join together with achievers, everywhere. Stand up for your future! Stand firm on these rights! Within them lies your success: 1. You Have the Right to Achieve. You were born to live up to your best. It is your right to dedicate your future to the fulfillment of your highest potential, and to the attainment of your most honorable achievement. It is your right to achieve—and no one has the right to take that right from you. 2. You Have the Right to Improve Yourself. It is your right to raise yourself up—to work to get better, and to improve yourself in every way you can! People who refuse to grow do little for themselves, and less for the world around them. People who improve themselves make the world better for everyone. 3. You Have the Right to Dream. If you do not dream, you cannot achieve. Without dreams, no culture, no nation, and no individual can flourish. Dreams are not the lifeless wishes of the lazy, or the idle pastime of the indifferent. Dreams are the blueprints of the architecture of your life to come. People who do not dream, falter and fail. People who learn how to dream, learn how to live. 4. You Have the Right to Choose Your Future For Yourself. It is your right to live your life on a path of your own choosing. No one else can live your life for you, and no one else has the right to try. What you do with your life is your responsibility; what you do with your future is your right. 5. You Have the Right to Set and Reach Worthwhile Goals. Good goals are the foundation of all achievement, and the action plans to all success. People who set goals and work to reach them, live each day by choice, rather than by chance. The goals you set are not only your right, they are your personal road map to the attainment of your own positive future. 6. You Have the Right to Believe. Your greatest successes will always be determined by your willingness to believe. Never let your faith be diminished by doubt, and never allow the misgivings of others to steal your faith from you. Don’t listen to those who don’t know how to believe. Keep your courage, keep the faith, and never give up your right to believe. 7. You Have the Right to Work for What You Believe In. It is your right to choose your job or career for yourself, and it is your right to work hard to achieve your success. Achievement comes to those who are willing to work for something they believe in. Mediocrity—going nowhere—has always come from those who have nothing to believe in, or are unwilling to work. 8. You Have the Right to Try . . . and If You Fail, To Try Again. You may not succeed every time you try, but you have the right to try. That’s not only your right, that is how all achievement is won! Ignore the criticism of those who will not try. They only criticize because they lack the courage to try for themselves. Set your own sights. Listen only to people who believe in you. And never give up. 9. You Have the Right to Be Viewed—and Understood—with Honesty and Truth. The greatest enemy of achievement is ignorance. Never listen to the opinions of an uninformed man—no matter how much he pretends to know. Never let your dreams be darkened by those who judge without insight, or criticize without knowledge. Small people live in the shadowed darkness of ignorance; great people live in the refreshing sunlight of truth. 10. You Have the Right to Be Different. Never be afraid to walk the exceptional path of personal growth, even when, at times, you have to walk that path alone. Choosing to be “just like everyone else” is choosing nothing more than being average. Being “average” is nothing more than a passive form of failure. Excellence is never found in the ordinary; excellence lives in the exception. 11. You Have the Right to Live Your Life Based on Positive Values. Among the guideposts that lead to enduring achievement are the positive values of, “Character,” “Honor,” “Integrity,” “Effort,” “Perseverance,” and “Faith.” These are the values that form the foundation of lasting success. People who do not live by values flounder and fail, and are never sure why. People who stand on their right to live by values, live lives of quality and achievement. 12. You Have the Right to Help Others Who Want to Succeed. The most rewarding of all successes are those which are earned by helping others. When you help other people do better you add value to their lives and to yours. It is a law that is universal: You will achieve in direct proportion to your service to others. If you want to improve your life, help other people improve theirs. 13. You Have the Right to Have a Positive, Winning Attitude. The greatest achievers always have the greatest attitudes. People who are negative, critical, or down on life, never feel the joy of achievement—they’re too busy being bitter, and going nowhere. People who are “up,” positive, optimistic, and filled with enthusiasm, go farther, do better, get healthier, and live happier. To an achiever, a winning attitude isn’t an option, it’s a way of life. 14. You Have the Right to Succeed—to the Highest Level of Your Potential. If you choose to succeed, follow your plan, take action, and never give up—nothing can stand in your way. Your right to succeed cannot be defeated by ignorance, subdued by indifference, outlawed by intolerance, or diminished by doubt. Neither ignorance, intolerance, indifference, nor the disbelief of others will ever lessen your right to work hard, do your best, stay with it, and succeed. 15. You Have the Right to Stand Up for Your Future. It is your right to never again live your life based on the negative opinions of others. It is your right to set your sights on the best, to see your future clearly, and to be unwavering in your determination to reach your goal. It is your right to stand your ground and to let no one stop you, discourage you, or dissuade you. It is your right to let no one harm you, your spirit, or your future in any way. It is your life. It is your right! A Personal Note from the Author of The Achievers Bill of Rights—Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. I have spent most of my life working to find ways to help people succeed in their lives. When people want to get ahead, but have to struggle to do so, they are usually being held back by two negative forces: The first negative force is their own past programming that has convinced them they were born to be average, and were not born to excel. The second force that stops people from achieving is the negative input from negative people around them. You can learn to change your own programs and see yourself differently. But what do you do about the people who criticize you just because you want to do better? The achievers who are trying to make something of their lives are questioned or criticized by people who are afraid to try, lazy, or angry at the world that is passing them by, and theyre trying to get ahead by holding other people back. And while they condemn the dreams of others, they claim that doing so is their right. For the millions of achievers everywhere, for all of you who would like to build your life without the thoughtless, harmful, hindrance from the negative bystanders around you, for all of you who would like to know your rights, The Achievers Bill of Rights is for you.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:33:23 +0000

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