Please share with you spouse.....! The Prophet SallAllahu alaihi - TopicsExpress


Please share with you spouse.....! The Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam requested Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha to visit a very pious lady, the wife of a woodcutter, who lived a little out of Madinah. Allahu ‘Alum, if this was in relationship to the incident when Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha upset Ali. So Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha set out to visit this lady whom her father recommended, walking in the hot sun over dusty tracks. She came upon the humble hut consisting of one room and knocked on the door, giving the greeting of Salam. A voice from inside asked who was there. Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha replied, "Fatimah, the daughter of Rasulullah." An answer from behind the door said that she did not have permission from her husband to allow any body to enter, that she would request permission, and Insha’Allah, she come back the next day. So Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha returned to her house with the intention of visiting the following day. She decided this time to take Hasan and Hussein RadhiAllahu anhuma with her. So she once again made the journey to the woodcutters wife. Once again knocked on the door and stated who she was and how he father had sent her. The woodcutter’s wife could hear the voices of the grandsons of Rasulullah and said through the closed door, but I only received permission for Lady Fatimah to visit. Insha’Allah I will ask my husband if I may invite young Hasan and Hussein in as well. Once again Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha walked the dusty track back to Madinah, with the intention of returning the next day, which she did and this time she entered the humble woodcutter’s home. As they sat talking Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha saw that there was one small window high in the wall with a beam of sunlight streaming through. At the end of this beam were a few pieces of bread. As the light beam moved, so too did the woodcutter’s wife move the pieces of bread, so they remained in the sunlight. This fascinated Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha, who found herself asking why the woodcutter’s wife was doing such a thing. Whereupon she explained that her husband went out each day, all day long in the searing sun with a few pieces of bread in his pocket, with the bread becoming dry and hard in the hot sun, and that she did not feel comfortable eating soft bread if her husband could not! SubhanAllah! Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha noticed three mats on the ground constituting the bed, and she knew that there was only the wood cutter and his wife, so she politely inquired about the third mat. The woodcutter’s wife explained, that if her husband happened to turn during his sleep she would not like that her back would be facing him, so she would get up and go to the other mat. Repeating this moving of position if he happened to turn. Such respect and obedience to her husband winning her the praise of Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam! I have heard Ulema narrate that this woodcutters wife will be the one leading Lady Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha’s horse into Jannah, SubhanAllah, and that Almighty Allah knows best, and therefore enter before Fatimah RadhiAllahu anha. This has also been said of Bilal RadhiAllahu anhu. That he will be honoured by holding the rope of al-Buraq, the same miraculous steed Rasulullah rode to Paradise during the Night Visit, when Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam rides it into Jannah. Allahu ‘Alum.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:30:44 +0000

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