Please watch this!! What would happen is you have missiles raining - TopicsExpress


Please watch this!! What would happen is you have missiles raining in DC, NYC! Will Obama stay still by bot responding! If he does he can immediately be out of power by not protecting his citizens! STAND FOR ISRAEL! Israel murders that have been committed this cowardly criminal terrorists from the arab Muslim world including Palestinians! Who ever supports or have sympathy for this human animals! Is a shame!!! Palestinians and Muslims!! And other stupid narrow minded ideologist! Respect kids! Women! And humanism! Stop using you religion to manipulate your people! Stop being hated by the whole world! Use your hate to help your people! attack from the front not from the back! Whoever judge Israel it will be judge by G-D whoever does not accept his people wont accept the existence of G-D are ignorants!! Israel or Palestine as it was called while roman occupation was and always has been a jewish state and it will be! This coward terrorists Palestinians and Muslims and any other stupid radical fanatic religious groups!! This includes our Christian brothers and sister and our own jewish brothers and any body that takes justice in their own hands with criminal, inhuman radical behavior! To my Christian brothers!! If you are a follower of Jesus! Support his nation israel and his people the jewish people!! Remember that Jesus was born in Israel!! We had this war for many years, an very known example is the famous fight or the story of David and Goliath! In which was defeated with HaShem G-D help!! Palestinians and Muslims want to see a Islamic world! For them if you are not Muslim you are nothing!! Muslims show society that you want to live in civilized world punish your savage terrorists the world will respect you more!! And if you want to live like savages with a totalitarian government than stay in your countries! Respect freedom dont kill people because they dont want to stay in you fanatic religion! Respect their choices! And stop wanting to make the whole world a Islamic world!! Maybe if you were nicer to the world people would come to it with out having their throats cut!! Freedom is not a privilege is a right!! Whom ever touches my brothers and sister and the ISRAEL it is also messing with G-d WHERE IS OBAMA? WHY WE NEED FOR HIS OK? What would of happen if this would of happen to the US! We have a jewish American boy that was kill and still Obama does nothing??! Why we need his permission? The closest friend had turn his sight the other way!! Did he send to kill the rat of bin laden? With out tax dollars! Since the beginning of this year, Gaza terrorists have fired more than 450 rockets on Israel, with about half of them coming since mid-June, when two Hamas terrorists kidnapped and brutally murdered three Israeli teenagers. Why is it that a majority of the international community only notices when Israel undertakes its sovereign right, and obligation, to defend its citizens? Can you imagine if even one rocket was fired on London, Washington, Paris or Moscow? This is simply intolerable and no country can, or should, tolerate such attacks on its people.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:53:11 +0000

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