Pocket karmic The pocket karmic phenomenon is still somewhat - TopicsExpress


Pocket karmic The pocket karmic phenomenon is still somewhat unknown spiritualism, but no less real. Karmic pocket can be defined as a community of spirits bound by ties of common karma. These are spirits who participated disaster, torture, deaths, shortages or any circumstance of suffering together. The pocket karmic generally begins with a remarkable event in the life of these spirits that generates a lot of suffering. This pain is steeped in his mind and in the spirit world after death collective, they are still vibrating tuning that the evil that was done to them. The spirits trapped in pockets can not come off that karmic situation, and so remain vibrating together, in contact with each other at that same frequency, and that in some instances can span millennia. The pockets are prisons spatiotemporal collectivities of spirits chained to past traumatic events. In the book "Energy and Spirit" by José Lacerda de Azevedo is a case series of pockets that were treated by the author with the technique of Apometry. The pockets are almost always linked to a red. This is why some members linked to a specific pocket can be incarnate, while other members of the pocket can be incarnate. Most of the time the pockets are made of spirits that are both on earth and in the spiritual. When you are on the spiritual plane, are almost always located in the lower regions of the astral. In the case of incarnated spirits that integrate pockets are in resonance with the disembodied plans denser, and therefore, may welcome the vibrations from its own pockets and also the area of consciousness in which the pocket vibrates. A person may be connected to one or more pockets. The pockets can vibrate in areas more or less lower, depending on the karma they generated. We give some examples of pockets so that it is clearer view of this topic: Pockets of war: They are formed by spirits victims or perpetrators of one or more wars. They are connected to each other by a line of hatred and grudge against his tormentors. The executioners are also connected to the pockets, and are usually the center through which revolve connections hatred, resentment, hurt, pain, lower instincts, etc.. In this case, as in others, it is common for victimizers are at the center of the pockets, and receive all sorts of negative energies of its victims, connected to them. It is very important to mention that the executioners of their pockets may have been victims of their own victims in past lives, and the victims may have been tormentors. Pockets of black magic: Here are all the spirits who have been harmed by spells work of various kinds. These spirits seek revenge against their tormentors, and vibrate negatively against them. It is very commonly occurs that spirits victimized by Goetia become incarnate in the lives of obsessive following. Pockets of collective disaster: pockets are formed from collective deaths or disasters. These spirits can become trapped at the time of the tragedy and radiate vibrations of anger and resentment to possible culprits for the tragedy. How the universe works not by chance, but rather the law of cause and effect, the spirits belonging to pockets of collective disasters were not only victims of the disaster, there is almost always a reason for this tragedy occurred. On the other hand, a tragedy might not necessarily be caused by a negative karma, but the spirit of that mission on earth ended and he needs disembodied. A person who enters into a meditative state, that does past life regression, takes some sacred herb, or perform any other practice of altered states of consciousness can have access to the pocket or pockets to which it belongs. Usually the person closes his eyes and sees various faces with strange appearances, hostile and sometimes animalistic. The face can radiate feelings of hatred, revenge, hatred, loathing, anger, extreme sadness, etc.. On the other hand, not every agglomeration of spirits are trapped in pockets karmic. There are communities of high spirits that maintains positive karmic bonds of love and brotherhood. It must be said that the spirits are not automatically attached to the pockets. The cause of the arrest is almost always an attachment to the traumatic situation, fueled by feelings of anger, bitterness, resentment, guilt, disgust, sadness, etc.. A spirit can live all these and other situations of collective and not being tied to a pocket, so it is necessary to cultivate forgiveness, love and understanding.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 15:51:57 +0000

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