Poem : If only she knew Words sealed and enveloped in a letter - TopicsExpress


Poem : If only she knew Words sealed and enveloped in a letter of emotions by thoughts of her in admiration as I am bleeding in transgression of fear of rejection for I stand in closure to this feminine structure that with-holds the epifamy of my dreams of the future as I embark myself in a journey of exploration of finding the fountain of youth in her love Words to her I try to form so she could understand that what Im portraying in me is not an inception and neither deception to any cause but truth which is more clearer to her seeking the gospel in God Digitalised is my gateway to her but I chose the route of valour to find courage and prove my manhood as I appear infront of her but seems the continueum of time and space has drifted me in thoughts of fear as I linger in doubt on wether she will acknowledge me Just by thinking of her life seems to find a glimmer of hope so I find the beauty of art in my heart as i look relentlessly in a fading picture of her in my dreams but dats if only she knew Only if she knew what I felt would it be more than just us dating but me seeking a companion whom would hold my peace as I prove my worthy to her Only if she knew how close to my heart she is bestowed as I grace her in God to be mine Only if she knew what her love would mean to me then would she understand Only if she knew that by the grasp of her silk skin beside me then would I find the comfort to my hearts unresting slumber If only she knew how deep my love for her is then would the world see me no more but if only she came now not later would I never worry if only she made her existence to me would I find my own if only she was around then would she be my own If only shed see this but shes of no avail So if only she knew then I would stop my search for her love has prevailed
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 10:58:52 +0000

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