Poof! Its Gone . Not really a ghost story more of a mystery or - TopicsExpress


Poof! Its Gone . Not really a ghost story more of a mystery or strange happenstance. 1991 December moose season. I had cut a moose track down by Newyakas Creek and tracked it all the way back almost to Fishcamp. It took a few hours, for it was wandering all over the place ,without going in any particular direction like moose usually do when they travel.There had been a fresh snowfall so tracking was really easy. I was riding my Big Red three-wheeler that had to be kickstarted . I was also packing a Model 700 Remington in 7mm Remington Magnum that I had bought from Gabby Gregory . Darn good gun. When you hit something with it , it did not argue, it just died. It went through a particularly hard piece of swampy area and it took me awhile to get through it . Once through it I knew it was smooth going on the other side of the brush patches so I was just going to call it a day and go home. I made it out all tired and sweaty ,drove around the end of the brush and there was the Moose! Not more then 75-100 yards away stood a Great Big Bull Moose ! He was HUGE ! It sees me and takes off running up a long gradual hill. I turned off the Honda so the vibration wouldnt throw off my aim,Stand up on the foot pegs, aim, squeeze off, and Shoot ! I hear that loud very satisfying ,Thwack, of a good solid hit. The moose stops in mid-stride. All four feet go straight out to the sides. It collapses in a great big brown heap around 150 yards away uphill. I am feeling pretty proud. ONE SHOT while running to boot ! I look down ,pull out the brass from the rifle , kick start the honda, look up to drive over to it, and DO NOT SEE ANYTHING!!!??? Its gone. There is no place for it to go. It was in the wide open! WTH? I cant believe it. I drive up there. I see the tracks, They had been running. THEN nothing . No Moose . No body mark in the snow. No tracks leading away. NOTHING!!!! I make gradual circles looking for tracks or any kind of sign. Nothing. I look until it is dark. Nothing. Take Stan K. down the next day. He just sees where the tracks stops also ,then nothing. We both look all that day all the way to above Cottonwoods to Dennis Creek and Gibraltar . NOTHING ! Never found a drop of blood,tracks or anything. This when I first started to believe that Yes there just might be a bit of the Supernatural present on this plane of existence after all.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 08:04:24 +0000

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