Posted by Alan McPhail - 1st November 2014 - TopicsExpress


Posted by Alan McPhail - 1st November 2014 * * SCOTLANDS REAL LABOUR PARTY. Milliband has graced Scotland with his presence once again this week to begin his fight to save his Labour MPs jobs. He chose their £200 per head dinner to launch it which speaks volumes for what the Labour Party have become when so many people in Glasgow are going hungry. Unbelievably, he thinks his pertinacity to repeat himself will make the Scots swallow the same old lies and false promises and meekly return to their old ways of voting Labour like obedient sheep. Move on and forget the past, he says hopefully. If he understood the mood of the Scottish people he would know that is exactly what he wont get. When asked about his London HQ sacking Ian Price the Scottish General Secretary without even consulting the Scottish leader, he wouldnt elucidate why, instead he repeated his favourite line, Its is time to move on and forget the past. That should be his Partys new slogan, because it is their only hope in Scotland. Labour have been spinning the same old rhetoric for far too long, and exploiting the Scottish peoples desire for social justice and equanimity for all. But Labour have ALWAYS failed to deliver it, because English votes are more important. Vote for us to keep the Tories out, is their sad old battle cry The reality that more and more people are beginning to understand is that by voting Labour you are only changing the colour of the Tory Party in power from Blue to Red. You wont be changing their policies. Labours past actions when in government and statements of intent if re-elected have proven that. Why doesnt Milliband repeat what he said to the people of the South East of England to the people of Scotland? Vote for me, and I will rule like Thatcher, he said with all sincerity. That would be too honest a thing for him to say up North, but we should NEVER forget it because it shows us exactly what we can expect if we vote Labour. I for one will never stop reminding our people of it. For those too young to remember what it was like under Thatcher, I can tell you it was the blackest time for Scotland when mass unemployment scourged our country causing misery in every town and city. Manufacturing became a thing of the past due to Thatchers orchestrated closures, something Scotland has never fully recovered from. My life was affected by Thatchers policies as was everyone I knew, and is why I have a life long loathing for the Tories and the elitist uncaring system they represent. If Murphy the Labour career politician takes over from the hapless Lamont he will continue to be Londons man in Scotland which dovetails in smoothly with his parliamentary career. He has been an MP for 17 years and has earned over one million pounds in salary and accumulated another £million on expenses. His unbridled avarice to enrich himself at the taxpayers expense is what he does best and moving to Holyrood wont stop that. Currently, he is under investigation by the expenses watchdog for his Westminster expenses which may explain his sudden enthusiasm for Scottish internal politics. Anyone thinking he will wrestle anything for Scotland from the man he opposed in favour of his brother is naive. London will continue to pull the strings and he will dance to their tune or be humiliated like Lamont was. Milliband will make sure of that to appease the English MPs and voters whether he is in power or not. He cannot appear to be soft on Scotland. Consider Murphys career. He betrayed the students when he was the President of the NUS in 1995 when he dropped its opposition to the abolition of the student grant in line with the Labour Partys policies. This was contrary to the agreed policy at the NUS Derby Conference, and was subsequently condemned by a House of Commons Early Day Motion introduced by Ken Livingstone and signed by 17 Labour MPs for intolerant and dictatorial behaviour. He is a Blairite, who supported the war in Iraq, is pro-Trident and anti-Palestine. When asked during the referendum how he voted in the Tory welfare cap, he said he voted against when in fact he didnt even turn up for the vote. Thats Murphy for you, a right wing Party man to the core and a liar who will never let the aspirations of the people he represents come between his ambitions and avarice. That is why I think he is the PERFECT man to represent the Red Tories in Scotland because he represents EVERYTHING that is rotten with the Labour Party of today. No matter who wins the top job in Westminster next year Scotland will continue to be overlooked and underfunded, of that I have no doubt. If Murphy is chosen for Scotland he will make no difference to that, and neither would any other Scottish incumbent in the Scottish branch office. Our budget will still be cut which means more services will be lost and more jobs that depend on them will go. Trident will still be kept in the Clyde, £100 billion will be spent replacing it, food banks will continue and the people they serve will grow. In 2017 the vote on whether to remain in the EU will be decided by English voters regardless of the Scottish vote. Camerons statement pre-referendum that we were a family of nations is shown to be a hollow sound bite only. What he really means is that England is the Paterfamilias in this family and consequently they decide everything that matters. He wants English votes for issues that affect England AND wants English votes to decide issues that affect Scotland too. That is our future and only a strong representation of SNP MPs in Westminster would be able to put a brake on policies affecting Scotland if there is a hung parliament. Giving your vote to Labour will condemn Scotland to irrelevance for another five years, so we must not fall for their MPs sugared words of caring and how they will improve our lives if re-elected They wont, the only lives that will be improved is theres. Traditional Labour voters in Scotland should pause to think before putting an X against Labour on their ballot paper next year. The days of glancing down the paper to mark X against Labour must end. Thats is why we have such incompetent parasites representing Scotland today. These Red Tories have betrayed everything the Labour Party USED to stand for, and they wont change. Their snouts have been in the money trough for too long and they like it. The SNP have taken up the socialist mantle in Scotland, and their policies to help our people young and old are testament to that. The SNP are the REAL Labour Party of today in Scotland, and its time we all recognised that. They are our only hope of having a meaningful voice in Westminster. If we turn from them, we turn from Scotland and will therefore have to live with whatever our political masters in London dictate. Every Scottish citizen not just Labour voters should vote for the SNP if they want to try to keep the services they and their family benefit from. Labour want to reverse those SNP policies, like free education, free prescriptions and free health care, to bring us into line with England. If Murphy is their top man in Scotland he will see it happen, have no delusions about that. We need men and women in government whose ONLY allegiance is to represent Scotland and the Scottish people, not nodding donkeys who bend to their Westminster party leaders will. We have six months before the election and during that time it is incumbent on us all to try to convince traditional Labour voters to recognise the truth of the political situation we face today. We will pay a heavy price if we fail. Finally, the London media dismiss the Scottish peoples desire for a free country based on fairness and social justice, where everyone has a share of our nations wealth as a dream world. I would just like to say I believe it would be better for us all to live in a socialist dream world than the unbridled capitalist nightmare we endure today. Alan N McPhail
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:16:39 +0000

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