Praying Proverbs 3 for my Becca & Laura and those who are in - TopicsExpress


Praying Proverbs 3 for my Becca & Laura and those who are in school, college or the military Father, Almighty, do not let my children forget Your teaching, but may their hearts keep Your commandments. Remind them that their obedience to Your teaching will provide a long and full life and will give them well-being. May they keep truth and mercy with them, even bind them around their necks and write them on the tablet of their hearts. For then, will they find favor and good understanding in Your sight and in the sight of their peers. Help them to trust in You with all their heart and not rely on their own understanding. I pray that they acknowledge You in all their ways so that You will make their paths straight. Father, keep them from being wise in their own estimation, but to fear You and turn away from evil so that You will bring healing to their bodies and refreshment to their inner selves. O LORD, may they honor You from their wealth and from the first fruits of all of their “crops” so that their “barns” will be filled completely and and even to overflowing. I pray that my children do not despise Your discipline nor loathe Your rebuke. For we know that You discipline those whom You love just as a parent disciplines the child in whom he delights. LORD, you have promised to bless those who find wisdom and those who obtain understanding. For her (wisdom’s) benefit is more profitable than silver and her gain is better than gold. She is more precious than rubies and none of the things that my children desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand and in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are very pleasant and all her paths are peaceful. She is like a tree of life to those who obtain her and everyone who grasps hold of her will be blessed. Lord, may my children obtain her and grasp hold of her. LORD by Your wisdom, You laid the foundation of the earth and established the heavens by understanding. By Your knowledge the sea was broken open and the clouds drip down dew. Father, do not let wisdom and understanding and knowledge escape from my children’s sight; safeguard them with sound wisdom and discretion so that they will give life to my children and they will give grace to adorn their necks. With these Lord, you have promised that they will walk on their way with security and they will not stumble. When they lie down they will not be filled with fear and their sleep will be pleasant. With these, they will not be afraid of sudden disaster or of when destruction overtakes the wicked. Thank You Lord, for giving them wisdom and knowledge so that You will be the source of their confidence and that You will guard their feet from being caught in a trap. Holy Father, help them to not withhold good from those who need it when they have the ability to help. Keep them from sending their peers away until tomorrow when they can provide for a need today. Keep them from plotting evil against their neighbors, nor from accusing anyone without legitimate cause. Please Father, prevent them from envying a violent man or from choosing to imitate any of his ways; for one who goes astray is an abomination to You, Lord, but You reveal Your intimate counsel to the upright. Lord, Your curse is on the household of the wicked, but You bless the home of the righteous. Let my children always seek Your righteousness. I pray that my children be humble, for You are scornful to arrogant scoffers, yet You show favor to the humble. May my children be wise in Your wisdom, so that they may inherit honor and not be like the fool who You hold up to public contempt. Thank You Father, for Your Words, which I can pray for my children, for Your Words are faithful and true: Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 13:17:36 +0000

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